A Good Nap

This time of year is always exciting for me. I love watching the NCAA tournaments – both the men and women. It’s so fun to see schools participate in an elimination tournament with the simple premise – win and stay in. Lose and, well, better luck next year. I find myself taking in as many games as possible. Debbie often shares that she becomes a basketball widow over these three weeks.

On top of all of this excitement, my favorite team, Xavier University, made the field !! They had a tougher road than most because they had to win a play-in game to even get to the official first round. The game Wednesday night started around 10:00 pm, and we went to a local haunt with family friends to watch the action. Xavier won and it meant we got home around midnight. Of course, I had to work the next day. Thursday was very full at work and was a bit mentally taxing. So, I was tired coming home and still had things to do. Friday is always an early day with my Men’s Group meeting at 6:30 am. Another full day of work, and then our daughter and our granddog were coming home to visit !!

Xavier’s 2nd game was on Friday night starting at 10:00 pm again. I fell asleep after dinner for a quick nap with the hope that I’d be able to stay up and enjoy the game. I did and it meant going to bed at 12:30 am. I was on fumes. My Saturday was packed with a 2-mile walk with Wags in the early morning, making homemade apple cinnamon monkey bread for breakfast, a visit to several stores including a Costco run, and then . . . I was done.

I couldn’t keep going. I was becoming frustrated and conversations were tense for no reason. Little things started to tear at the edges of my exhaustion. I wanted to keep going but I just couldn’t. I somberly told Debbie, “I need to lie down.” I went out to our living room to my favorite sofa and collapsed. I didn’t have an alarm set or any expectation of when I’d wake up. Two magnificent hours later, I felt the heavy breathing of Wags blowing gently on my face.

I awoke renewed, refreshed, and in a much better mood overall. I’m amazed how much better I feel after a nap as if I’m surprised by this result. It’s as if I never remember how great it is. I need to keep this in my memory bank.

I don’t think I’m much different than most other people. We fill our days with as much activity as possible. At the same time, we complain we never get enough done. We’re on the go constantly while feeling we don’t accomplish nearly enough. It’s a vicious cycle that only hurts us. Just like forgetting the joy of having a nap, we overlook that running ourselves into the ground isn’t good for us.

How does driving ourselves to the maximum limit make us more effective? Seriously. Why do we convince ourselves that activity is far more valued than balance? Our bodies, thankfully, are designed better than our brains. If we don’t pay attention to the signs our body gives us, it will shut us down anyway.

I don’t think we can continue to yearn for more balance, when we don’t make the efforts to even attempt to attain a modicum of balance. Naps are just one option for us to make sure we are at our peak on a more consistent basis. Let’s listen to our bodies and fight the pace that life tries to use to entrap us.

I need to get back to the next round of games, take Wags on one last walk before he heads back to Indy, and . . . I hear that couch calling out to me !!

Put Your Apron On !!

My family is made up of an eclectic mix of people who have had a variety of occupations. I come from three families altogether – my mom’s side, my biological dad’s side, and my step-dads side. (My mom remarried my second dad after being widowed.) Many of my relatives were, or are, farmers. They’ve had farms where they worked the land and raised livestock. These farms have been generational, and through their hard work they have fed countless people.

Another portion of my family worked in manufacturing plants or in front-line roles putting in hours in various conditions. They were also responsible for making great products or providing services to many people. Most of my extended family never saw the end users of their efforts. One person stands out, particularly in this family work history – my stepdad, Don.

Dad grew up on a farm and used to tell us that he began work soon after birth. That was probably more truth than fabrication. I know that he worked constantly for his family growing up. He and his twin brother, Ron, were two boys of seven siblings. After high school, he began working at a grain elevator in Ada, Ohio (which would become my hometown later.) He worked his way up over time from shoveling grain and loading trucks to becoming the manager of the elevator. When he married my mom, he was the manager. I don’t know if he ever only worked 40 hours a week. Not kidding. He would put in a full day, come home for dinner, and go back to work.

His work ethic was genuine and natural. He modeled it and expected the same effort and commitment from me and my brother. It didn’t matter if that was in school, our volunteer efforts, or in our jobs. He viewed work as something to cherish and give your best to every day. Sure, I bet there were times when things were a grind. And, I’m sure he also experienced challenging employees and customers. That never swayed him.

While working at the elevator, he put himself through night school to get his Associate’s Degree in Accounting. This led to an accounting role for the local electrical co-op where he worked until he retired. I’ve always appreciated and admired my dad for how he approached work.

Fast forward to a few weeks ago . . .

I was asked to be a guest on a webinar for WorkProud. Their CEO, Michael Levy, and I had a great conversation about the future of work and how to develop a people-first organization. I am grateful anytime I have the chance to contribute to blogs, podcasts, or webinars. I don’t take it for granted. Once the webinar was completed, Michael asked me for my address because he wanted to send me something as a “Thank You.”

Soon there was a package on my porch and I was floored when I opened it !! I saw some weathered green canvas along with some leather. I was confused as to the contents of the package at first. I pulled out the item and began unfolding it. It seemed to unfold over and over. It still wasn’t clear as to what it was until I laid it flat on my kitchen island.

It was an apron !! A work apron. It was magnificent and I took several minutes just to look it over. I ran my hands over the material and it already felt like it had been used. It was as if someone working in a hands-on environment had finished their day’s work and had hung it up on a hook to be ready for the next shift. My wife asked if I was planning on keeping it, and I immediately said, “Absolutely !!”

You see, I think the apron is a solid reminder for everyone in HR to pick up their proverbial apron and put it on as we head into work. We can have the same approach and dedication my dad showed throughout his career with our “aprons” on. We are a profession that rarely sees the outcome of our efforts because we have the privilege of working with people. Each day provides a different circumstance to take on and work through.

Having a put your apron on mentality will keep us grounded as well. It is a tangible reminder that we represent all employees from the front line to the C-suite. Our “work” is in caring for, assisting, and developing others. We can build up our callouses doing this work well. This week I want you to pause before you start. Break up your regular pattern and add a new step. Find your apron. Put it on. Tie it tightly and then head in !!

Stay Connected !!

This past week we celebrated Thanksgiving. Of all the holidays we get to celebrate, the focus of this one is highlighted by people gathering together. I was fortunate to celebrate the day, and the weekend, with my mom, daughter, and wife. Our daughter was the host. She did a spectacular job making a turkey, getting tickets so we could all see the movie Wicked, and sharing her welcoming home !!

While we were there, our son called in from California, and we chatted as a family for almost an hour about all facets of life. As soon as we ended that call, my brother called from Tennessee to send his family’s Thanksgiving wishes and share their plans. Later, one of our daughter’s friends came over for a game night where we competed and laughed. The connections didn’t stop there. When I got up early that morning, I made sure to reach out and connect with HR friends around the globe through GroupMe, WhatsApp, Twitter, and BlueSky. The messages flew back and forth with ease as people wished each other well.

Earlier in the week, I also reached out to a dear friend who had moved to Atlanta a few years ago. We hadn’t talked for far too long, and that didn’t sit well with me. I wanted to make sure he and his family were doing well and fortunately, they were. During this same time frame, I heard of a friend who lost her father, a cousin whose husband is critically ill, and one of my aunts who is coming to the end of her life.

I share these examples because I am grateful for the people I’m connected to. They aren’t mere acquaintances. They’re people who make my life richer. This only scratches the surface. I didn’t include the people I get to work with, the people I go to church with, friends around the city, or the people I am connected to around the globe through various HR platforms. The number of people in my life is not the focus – the importance of being intentionally connected is.

Too many people in the world today are isolated. With the devolution of social media into various camps pitted against each other, I am concerned. I feel many people have decided to withdraw, and they may be disconnected altogether. If you choose to no longer be active on social media platforms, that is fine. However, becoming isolated is not.

Staying connected is an imperative that should be a priority for all of us. If you see someone who is not connected, take a few moments and reach out just to check-in. That simple act may be the one thing that grounds someone once again. People were created in order to create and maintain relationships. We weren’t designed to be alone.

I realize that the holidays may give us the spark we need to connect. My encouragement to each of you is to be someone who chooses to stay connected all the time with others. Yes, it takes an investment of your time. Yes, it weighs on you emotionally. And, yes, it can be challenging. But know this, every connection you make will impact a life positively in ways you may never see. You may be just the right person at the right time that someone needs. Stay connected !!

Be A Lock !!

I know that many of my posts have been about our recent Viking Cruise, but there were so many memorable experiences that I feel I could fill a book if I captured and shared everything. When you’re on this type of river cruise, you are on a longboat. It’s hard to grasp how literal that is because our boat was 447 feet long !! You couldn’t get an angle to take a picture from your phone and get the entire boat in the frame.

Our trip started on the Danube River in Budapest, Hungary. We ended up traveling on the Danube, the Main (pronounced “mine”), and the Rhein by the time we ended in Amsterdam in the Netherlands. In order to successfully navigate all three of these very different rivers, we had to pass through multiple locks. The captain told us that there were 67 we’d traverse over the course of our voyage. When we entered the first in the series, everyone was geeked to go to the top deck to see what was involved with this process. Our maritime crew were true artists. They maneuvered our vessel into the lock with ease.

Their skill was on display each time we went through a lock because each river brought different challenges. We were sailing against the current on the Danube which was a moderately wide river. The Main was very narrow and it wound in various ways. The Rhein was vast and massive. You’d see smaller vessels on the Danube and Main, and then see ships transporting shipping containers on the Rhein !! Every lock was unique. Some, like the first one we went through, had plenty of space in front, back, and both sides of the boat. Others were extremely narrow and tight so that the boat “just fit” in the lock. There were a few where we could open our sliding cabin door and touch the wall of the lock !!

If you’ve never seen a lock, they allow boats to enter them and then close off the flow of water from the river on both sides. If you come into the lock where the water level is at the top of the lock, they slowly lower you to the level where you should be to move forward once the gates are opened. If you come in and you’re below the top of the lock, water is added to the lock so the boat rises to the new level you need to be at in order to advance. As you can see from our first lock in this picture, we were about to be raised.

I think HR can be like locks on a river for your employees. As they’re traveling through their daily passage of work, you can slow them down. Be like the crew we had. Help them maneuver carefully and safely into your HR lock. Once they’re in position, you can either encourage them to lift them up or you can calm them down by empathetically listening to them.

We can control the flow of their day, and how long they should be in the lock. It is different based on the circumstances they’re currently facing or who they’re working with. Whether you are calming someone down or lifting them up, the goal is for them to level out so they move forward. So, instead of being a gatekeeper in your HR role, why not be the passage of locks to help them intentionally pause, breathe, and then head out to continue their day?

I love the idea of making sure our employees have safe passage. Being able to be their workplace environment captain is a role that I cherish. Let’s transform who we are and what we do from those who confine to those that equip and enable. Be a lock !!


Now, I know that even the title of this blog may make some people squirm. I want to challenge that notion if only to offer a different perspective. As I’m writing this post, I am surrounded by a stack of books I intend to read, various notebooks all dedicated to different areas of work, a stack of crumpled flip chart pages, two sets of markers, two tote bags, and two backpacks. I have a playlist with the soundtrack of the alternative Netflix series, The Umbrella Academy, on shuffle and I’m watering our trees to thwart the drought we’re facing. This is normal and comforting . . . for me.

Please note that I’m not touting that my method of approaching life is what others should do. As mentioned earlier, any semblance of this type of manner of walking through life unsettles far more people than those who concur. I have no recollection of ever not having this as my standard style. I don’t want to venture into if my brain is wired in a certain way or another. I don’t feel it’s fair to project or label how anyone moves through their daily lives. When I find people do this, it’s not comparative, it’s judgemental. There’s a right and a wrong.

I believe there just . . . is. That may be far too existential for some. However, when I look at the world and the people around me I see variety, diversity, and uniqueness. I try my best not to squelch or confine anyone else. I don’t particularly agree with how others maneuver through work and life, but only because I know it won’t work for me. If you visited me at my office, you’d see this pattern of being cluttered lived out. To me, it’s a very natural environment that offers endless stimulation and movement. It’s a snapshot of how the world appears in my head daily.

One day a former executive came to my office and was mortified. He looked at everything stacked, teetering and threatening to topple at any moment. His countenance dropped and he was immediately judgemental because my setting ran completely counter to how he did life. That was true of his dress, his communication, and his leadership style. Instead of trying to understand my beautiful mess, he challenged me because he wanted to show me how wrong I was to work like I do.

“This is something,” he retorted.

“Is there something you need or I can help you with?” I replied.

“Do you even know where anything is? I mean (dramatic pause) LOOK at this place !!” he exclaimed. His voice was raised and he started to turn red. I didn’t understand why this was a confrontation, but I remained unphased.

“What would you like me to get? Glad to help you.” I said this with a bit of a twist and a hint of sarcasm and he felt it.

“Well, um, where is the project list we’re working on for the Strategic Plan?” he stammered.

I reached into the middle of a stack while steadying it with my other hand. “This list?” It was exactly what he was asking for. I said, “This isn’t luck or a magic trick. It’s how I think. I know this isn’t how you like to approach work and I respect that. I ask you to do the same.”

Needless to say, he was not happy. I didn’t want that to happen, but I also felt he should be more open-minded to different perspectives. We all say we’re comfortable with those who are different than us, but that’s not really true. If we were honest, we consider different – wrong. It isn’t. It’s just different.

This week take a look around and take in the array of the people you work with and see how each one is unique. They’re all amazing because of their differences. Some will be organized and others will be cluttered. Some will think linearly and others don’t even know what a line looks like because they see countless versions of ever-changing intersections.

Let’s see how all of those differences make us better. I need to get back to my stacks . . .

Develop a Concert Culture !!

This past week I checked off an item on my bucket list by seeing the Foo Fighters live in concert. I went with Todd, one of my best friends, who is a huge fan. We ventured to downtown Cincinnati to the Great American Ballpark. The venue is used to being packed to the brim with fans for the hometown Cincinnati Reds, but this night it was converted into a rock venue for some 40,000 people.

Both Todd and I dig live music and we planned to get there early to take in every moment of every band. The night was going to be a mix of sounds and styles for sure. The opening band was Mammoth. They’re fronted by Wolfgang Van Halen, son of rock guitar legend, Eddie Van Halen !! The second band was also on my bucket list and I never thought I’d get to see them. Ohio’s own Pretenders !! The Foos were the headliners and made for a phenomenal bookend to a night full of tunes.

I could write volumes on how the entire night was full of emotion. As the sonic output of every band emanated from the towers of speakers, I experienced levels of joy, surprise, and familiarity. There was a mix of laughter, screaming, singing, and even a few tears. You need to know I’m a massive music freak so I was definitely in my element.

After we took in the 5 1/2 hours of music (which was epic !!), I had a chance to contemplate what I saw and how it could reflect the workplace. We spend so much time trying to find the perfect solution for a culture that will enable employee engagement. There are methods, programs, initiatives, mottos, activities meant to bring “fun” alive, and surveys to measure all of our efforts. It’s exhausting and produces lackluster results. I think we could learn from the Foo Fighters in how to build an engaged culture.

First of all, you need to have a venue that is open to one and all. You can either stand next to the stage or sit miles away in the atmosphere. You’re not confined by anything and can wander around to get your needs met with food and drink. You can even get merch to mark the event and have it serve as a memory reminder of what you experienced.

Secondly, you need to make sure you represent every generation in the workplace. The opening band, Mammoth, is just starting their career and featured young musicians trying to make their mark. The Pretenders lead singer, the legendary Chrissy Hynde is a spry 72 years young. She was performing before many of the concertgoers were even alive. The Foos are experienced and have members who have been with them for a few years along with the founder, Dave Grohl, who has only 3o years of experience with this band. (BTW – He was the drummer of the Grunge legends – Nirvana – as well.)

Finally, you need to have a leader who exhibits passion and vision. If you’ve never seen the Foos in concert, then you need to look at some live coverage on YouTube. Grohl is a true ringleader. He bursts onto the stage and immediately yells to the crowd to invite them in for the night. He exhibits fierce artistry and talent while his long hair becomes matted to his face and covered with sweat as he rips through song after song. He stops at intervals to make sure the crowd is engaged and with him. He doesn’t want one single person to detach and not pay attention.

Midway through the concert, he stops to individually recognize each of his band members. He heaps glorious praise on them publically and then allows them a few moments for them to play their instruments on their own. Their talent is evident and shines. He also acknowledges how each of them makes up the whole. He values each of them as musicians singularly, but reminds them that together they make up the band that is now in the Rock n’ Roll Hall of Fame !!

All of the components of a great company culture are there in one neat package. If you:

Provide an environment that meets your employees’ needs which is welcoming, safe, and allows them to move and find their space, and,

You make sure that everyone is included regardless of age, skill level, background, or level of experience, and,

You have someone who provides vision, expects you to be involved, is visibly passionate, and guides you with direction, then . . .

You have a concert culture !!

Just think what work would be like if we took this example and incorporated these facets where we work. You wouldn’t have to ever measure employee engagement because you’d see it lived out in front of you every day. So, this week figure out how you can take the stage, look out into the crowd, and when you hit the first note a new culture of engagement is born !!

To get you inspired, here is my favorite Foo Fighters tune – These Days.

Tell Me a Story

A few weeks ago, I had an opportunity to meet many people who wanted me to do one thing . . . listen to them.

You see, I was wandering the massive conference hall at McCormick Place as part of the SHRM Annual Conference. Something truly unique has been happening the past few years when I attend. My friends have learned to be very patient when walking alongside me while I wander. Why is that? As I go from place to place, I will often be stopped by a fellow attendee who wants to meet, introduce themselves, and take a few moments to chat. Whenever this occurs, my friends inevitably either have to pause or keep going to the area we were all heading. I usually tell them that I’ll text and catch up when I can.

I don’t take one moment of this for granted or think that I deserve this level of attention. There isn’t a good enough word to describe how humbling it is that someone wants to meet you intentionally. I’ve had a few people who have told me they’ve waited for years to do so because they were just unsure if they should take the chance to stop me. That is hard for me to come to terms with because I never want to be in a position where I’m perceived as unapproachable.

Once I’m stopped, the real joy of the encounter starts to take place. After we share names and I ask them where they’re from I stop talking. I want to listen to whatever they’d like to tell me. Sometimes people want to let me know what they enjoyed from a session. Other times people want to share they were encouraged so they could continue to bring a human-centric approach to HR. Every conversation is filled with emotion. It may range from joy and laughter to tears and hugs. You never know what is going to be shared, and I’m completely cool with that.

Why? People want to share their story.

For anyone to have the courage to approach someone they know very little and share something that is personally important to them is amazing. I have found that it is also a felt need that typically isn’t being filled. I don’t know if this is true from their personal life, but I can almost guarantee it’s happening because of their professional life.

We have become a society filled with little tolerance for giving our time to others without an agenda. We value production and closure far more than we do having a conversation. We feel that most people are in the way, an annoyance or they’re sure to ask us something that will have a negative consequence. This is true with our peers, leaders, and employees at work. I can’t tell you how many times people feel bothered when others attempt to get someone’s attention to talk with them.

You’ll see people look over someone’s shoulder or they’ll glance at a screen because their mind and attention are already seven steps ahead. When I hear people complain about the amount of broken communication at their company, I am sure it’s because we feel that other people are not worth our time.

That’s why if anyone ever wants my attention, I stop and give it to them. My day is as full as theirs, and I have work I could get to or a place I could visit. But, if I rush to what I tell myself is more important, I miss their story. I can’t do that. I want to hear what they want to share.

Giving someone a few moments of my day is far more valuable than any task that is burning to be done. Having an unhurried conversation with someone who has sought me out on purpose deserves whatever time they need. And, more than anything, I get to learn about the wonderful, creative, talented person across from me. You never know who you’ll meet and how the interaction you have will brighten their day.

Everyone has a story. From now on take time to stop, listen and learn.

Be Still

Whenever I get the opportunity to speak in front of a room of HR and business professionals, I need to do something to capture their attention. That’s because if given the chance, they’ll be staring at one screen or another. It may be their laptop or their phone. It doesn’t really matter. The pull and allure of each device are so strong that we’ve all become mentally and emotionally attached to them. Sound harsh? It should because it’s what has happened to every person (including me.)

The voices in our heads tell us that we must stay eternally connected because if we don’t, we’re sure to miss something. I’m not being critical just observational. We don’t break away – and honestly don’t want to. When canvassing the presentation attendees each person is burdened because of the busyness they find themselves in. It’s all-encompassing and it seems like there is no exit. Instead of finding a needed respite, we take on more and more tasks and commitments adding to the crushing weight we already carry.

Whenever we do try to step back and rest, we feel guilty and tell ourselves that if we don’t jump back in quickly then “things” won’t get done. We’re not entirely clear what those “things” are, but we are confident they will remain undone. We don’t really know if that’s true or not because we’re not patient enough to find out. It’s a vicious cycle.

Lately, I’ve been more reflective and intentional to not fall into this trap any longer. It’s not that I want to avoid getting things done. Far from it. However, feeling compelled to be on the go constantly isn’t healthy mentally, emotionally, spiritually, or physically. I heard a person recently state that people find that “low-grade exhaustion is the new normal.” That’s encouraging, isn’t it ?? I have a feeling that you can relate to this even while you’re reading this.

What can we do? How can we make time for ourselves to rest and disconnect? What will happen to the myriad of tasks, deadlines, and mountains of work and activity if we dare break our pattern? It’s a two-word answer.

Be Still.

It’s not more complicated than that, but the discipline and faith to make this a reality takes true effort. Whenever you try to move in this direction, the pull to stay entrapped is great. However, once you do accomplish this breakthrough, the benefits are immense. I don’t want to be prescriptive or suggest a step-by-step model that surely will work for each of you. I think this approach is ineffective.

Being still is a cognizant step to breaking your current life pattern with the assurance it will work. You’ll have to trust me that it does. I now take time to be still regularly. I don’t try to fill this space with something else. I just simply take a break to calm myself, focus on the environment and people around me, and relax. Stopping the maddening pace of life gives me peace. I find that having this practice built into my days has actually rejuvenated me.

Now, I have more energy, joy, and time (yes, time) because I refuse to keep running at a breakneck pace. Being still has also cleared my thoughts enough that when the next challenge or conflict is at my doorstep, I’m in a better mental space to address it.

This week break away. This week don’t keep fighting to stay afloat. This week refuse to keep running. This week . . . Be Still.

A Fresh Coat

My wife and I have been fortunate to have lived in the same house since 1991. When we bought it we had been married for just over two years. We stretched quite a bit. It wasn’t a “starter” house but we found the right place at the right time. The family who was selling the house was being transferred to Mexico for work and they had four young kids. The husband was reluctant to sell it to us because we offered less than they were asking but it was as far as we felt we could go and still make house payments . . . and eat.

The wife was awesome !! She told her husband, “We have five days to move to another country with four children and they are the next young couple to get this house. They were like us. Sell it to them.” He did and now 33 years later we’re still here and we’ve grown into the house for sure. We raised our two kids into adults and we’re back to being the couple who owns the house – just a bit older.

As with any house, you always have chances to do projects, updates, remodels and/or repairs. Debbie asked me to paint our garage a little over two years ago and I dragged my feet as long as I could. I knew it would be a massive undertaking because garages are one of the most used areas in a house. We’ve always parked in the garage with our two cars and it houses too many tools and sundry items.

We started clearing out everything and put things out on the driveway. We, of course, found things that had been “lost,” and we also took the opportunity to get rid of items that had not been used for years. Next, came washing 33 years of grime and dirt off the once-white walls. The walls still looked whitish after all of this time. However, the simple action of washing the surfaces with hot water and a rag began the needed transformation. Once the walls were washed, I asked Debbie to help me lay out drop cloths to cover the concrete and asked her to leave me to it.

That isn’t meant to be harsh or dismissive. We know that I do better painting walls and ceilings while she rocks out with more delicate paintings like trim and doors. I turned on my Bluetooth lava lamp (yes, lava lamp) and opened the 5-gallon bucket of glistening white paint. The first coat took hours and hours and hours and hours. I was painting for almost six hours and I was covered from head to toe with splatters. I had hit my limit and even broke down crying because I was so sore. I was overwhelmed and knew the project wasn’t even half complete. My wife was so supportive even though I had lost my cool and snapped at her. (She’s awesome BTW !!)

After getting a late dinner, I apologized and she encouraged me to finish the garage the next day. The second coat went on much more quickly and smoothly. It only took about four hours to finish. The garage looked amazing, and new and it looked like life was breathed back into it. We reorganized the garage’s contents and we had more room than we ever imagined. All it took was attention and a fresh coat of paint.

It sounds like work, doesn’t it? How many places, departments, policies, procedures, etc. are cluttered, old, worn out, and outdated? We could easily take the steps to make them all current and relevant, but we delay and delay because we convince ourselves they still are somewhat effective. We can live with that.

But, should we? The answer is a resounding NO !! We all have the same opportunity I did with painting the garage. Yes, it was hard work that almost broke me, but it was worth it. The garage is still functioning as a garage. It hasn’t changed dramatically. It finally did get my focus and effort. The hours that were at times taxing were worthwhile as an investment. In fact, we probably won’t have to redo it for another thirty years if we are mindful of its appearance.

There is so much wasted space, systems, and time in our roles and throughout our companies. This week, take a deep breath, get some paint, and give everything a fresh coat.

Just 3 Chords !!

A few weeks ago I was fortunate to attend the Louisiana SHRM State Conference. I relish it when I can spend time with HR peers. It fills my bucket. I also gave two presentations and got to see the good work of other presenters. Conferences are a great time to connect, network, learn, and have fun. We spent so much time laughing while getting to know each other better.

After the conference came to a close, my dear friend Rebecca secured tickets for a real treat. A handful of us who were staying after the conference decided to go see two legendary bands – ZZ Top and Lynyrd Skynrd !! I was so geeked because I have been a fan of both bands throughout their long and illustrious careers. The night started by grabbing some incredible Mexican food and decompressing from the successful conference. We gobbled down our food and drinks because Rebecca and I wanted to make sure to catch every moment of the show.

When we made our way to our seats a third band on the bill, Black Stone Cherry, ripped the roof off. This was completely unexpected. I had never heard of them. They destroyed their set and were a mix of southern rock, heavy metal, and a bit of country. ZZ Top quietly took the stage as they sauntered out. Billy Gibbons strummed his first note and they were off !! (I’ll come back to this Texas trio in a sec.) Skynrd was so talented. They played a series of hits and elevated the room as we sang along ending the night with Freebird. The whole night was epic !!

The surprise of the night for me though was ZZ Top. Three musicians made enough noise to literally shake your chest with their sonic mastery. It was astonishing. All of the band members are now in their 70s which is ridiculous. They spoke little but did share the quip – “We’re just three guys with the same three chords.” So simple yet so powerful. They played a mix of their hits along with some deep, deep cuts and I was in heaven. I sang, screamed, and cheered throughout their entire set.

There is magic in threes. This is true for these rock legends just as it is for us professionally. We often talk about the need for mentors in the workplace. I agree. Being a mentor is a great privilege. Helping others learn the ropes so they can succeed in the company has limitless value. There is a watch out for this though because one should not just be a mentor. No one should feel they are so talented that their sole purpose is to have people sit at their feet just to listen to their wisdom.

People who are successful mentors have mentors themselves. That approach puts them in a trio. You shouldn’t mentor others unless you have a mentor. You need the 3 chords in order to make mentoring work effectively. We gather experience over time and there is strength in sharing what we’ve gone through. At the same time, we should never stop learning. Never. There is always something new to learn or glean from others who are your mentors.

This week follow the ZZ Top model for mentoring. They’ve been together playing their unique style for over 50 years. Three guys playing three chords works. It always will !!

To keep the vibe going as you read this, enjoy this deep cut they played live.