Leave Your Mark

My wife is incredible in many ways !! Yes, I’m biased and am good with that. She is very creative but she would deny that. She has a dedicated craft room in our house that has been her place to make things come to life. She has been a rubber stamper for decades. This hobby has resulted in countless handmade cards for birthdays, weddings, the birth of kids, graduations, and Christmas cards.

They are true works of art. I know many people who have kept every Christmas card she has made for years, and some put them out every year as part of their Christmas decorations. Debbie would tell you that she sees the ideas of others and recreates them. So, I’ll give her that. Let’s call her a structured creative. If you got to know her, you’d see that this description fits well. One of the many other amazing facets of her personality is her joy in structure. She has lists of things to do all over the house.

Every day I’m amazed that she chose to be with me because I represent the opposite of almost every aspect of how she approaches life. I tend to live in the moment. Very little surprises me, and I’m more comfortable adapting on the go. I’m creative as well, but I’d describe my methods as having flow, movement and involving a variety of styles. I like almost every iteration of how art is presented. I am comfortable if things are abstract, modern, distinctly drawn, or classical. Each one has its value.

Eight years ago, when my first HR book was completed, Debbie asked if I’d like to have bookmarks to give out to people. I was floored and excited at the same time. I didn’t know what we could come up with but I was in !! She upped my level of enthusiasm when she suggested we make tie-dye bookmarks. I couldn’t even conceive how this could be accomplished. I was tickled when I found out that we’d mix our creative approaches by using her rubber stamps along with alcohol-based inks to make the tie-dye patterns along with my idea of variety. We put the ink on transparency film (like what we used to use on overhead projectors).

We started to stamp the clear film cut into the perfect shape for a bookmark together. Debbie took one color of ink and dabbed the applicator before applying a beautiful, linear pattern on her piece of film. I took my applicator and put three dots of different colors on it and then smeared the ink all over my film. I continued to follow what felt right as she methodically constructed her set. When we looked up to pause, I had ten done and was moving forward when she commented, “How can you come up with patterns so quickly?” I shrugged and said, “I just see what I want to make and then try it.”

She then made a bright, executive decision. The step after the ink stamping was mounting the film on white, thick paper for backing and strength. She suggested that I continue with the stamping and she’d assemble them after that. Now, please note, her stamped bookmarks were stunning and crisp. We kept them along with my mish mash of variety, and I loved giving them out to people.

Since then, we made a new batch for use at the SHRM24 annual conference. We followed the process of a separation of tasks that we were both responsible for. Very quickly we had constructed 100+ bookmarks. I just found out that I’m speaking again at SHRM25, and I’m grateful for the opportunity. We just bought a new set of supplies and the manufacture of a brand new set of bookmarks will soon be started.

Let me back up just a moment . . .

More than a story of how we take different paths toward creativity, Debbie also had another stunning idea for making these handmade beauties. She said, “If people are nice enough to get one of your books, wouldn’t it be nice to leave behind a little bit of you for them to remember?” How freaking cool is that ??!!

You see, she wanted me to leave a mark. That thought was incredibly astute and she may not have even been aware of the weight of what she had suggested. It was so powerful because as people, we leave our mark on others every time we encounter them whether we mean to or not.

If you ignore someone or push them off to the side because you’re too busy for them, that leaves a mark. If you are pleasant to others to their face and change your story for how you feel with another audience, you leave a mark. When a task that isn’t yet completed takes more of your focus and attention than the people around you, you have left another mark.

We don’t see this or even acknowledge it. It’s time we did. Choose instead to be someone who leaves each interaction as one that is positive, encouraging and meaningful. Leave your mark in such a way that your impact makes their day better. It doesn’t have to be a big gesture. It can be something simple. Something . . . like a bookmark.

Get A Car Wash !!

I’ve lived in the Midwest for the vast majority of my life. I enjoy the four seasons. They’re never as equally balanced as one would hope but that’s okay. We’ve had one of the more robust winters this year that I can recall. We’ve had more snow, more arctic blasts, more ice, and more gray than normal. It’s funny to me that if we have a year where we don’t get much snow we wish we had more. Now that we’ve had a significant and lengthy winter we complain that it’s too much.

One of the side effects of a full winter is salted roads. The wonderful road crews do all they can to keep roadways clear. This is often daunting because the weather rarely cooperates in the manner it is predicted to. They lay down tons and tons of road salt to assist in melting the snow, ice, and slush. This mixture rarely stays on the roadway due to the volume of never-ending traffic. Vehicle after vehicle speed through the concoction which inevitably ends up encasing your car in a thick layer of white, brown, and mucky corrosive material. It’s as if your car is a blank canvas waiting to be plastered with the evidence of winter.

I have a long commute to work from my home. It takes anywhere from forty-five minutes to an hour plus depending on the volume of people joining me on the road. If you have construction or an accident along the way, the time only increases. Throw on top of this the various winter precipitation of snow, freezing rain, or sleet, there’s no telling how much time you’ll be behind the wheel. With my extensive commute, you can imagine how my car’s exterior starts to appear throughout the winter.

The below-freezing temperatures that held us in an endless grip for weeks on end only meant you couldn’t get your car washed. The dirt, grime, and sludge just grew in depth while creating an abstract painting that became a hardened shell. It becomes a nuisance because, even though I’m fortunate to have a garage at home, each time I try to walk around the car my coat and clothing get salt transfer. It only seems to stain or smear when you try to wipe it off. It never gets completely removed.

This weekend, the temperature sneaked just above the freezing point. I decided to chance it and get my car and my wife’s car washed. We have a local business just around the corner from where we live that does a great job. It’s an automatic, ever-moving chain that pulls your car through the various brushes and blasts of water and soap. When I pulled up, I saw that I was one of many who were trying to take advantage of their services as well. The trip through the car wash took less than two minutes. When I exited the building, I could swear I heard our cars sigh with relief. They were clean once again !!

A car that keeps moving through the mix of winter precipitation and road gunk is a lot like working in HR. One of the challenges of being in this field is that we get to experience and hear the dark side of work. This may include the various “life” situations people are facing or the general negative conversations that abound throughout the workplace. It can be, and is, draining. You hope for uplifting and encouraging conversations to be the norm, but they are unfortunately the exception.

I’m not trying to be a downer, and you need to understand that I am generally an overly positive person most of the time. However, even I get caked with layer after layer of road salt at work. It comes with the job and is as inevitable as taking a winter commute to and from work. If we’re not cognizant of our exteriors being constantly covered in road spray, then we too become encased in a hardened shell . . . and heart.

We need a car wash. We need to make sure to take a few minutes on a regular basis to wipe out the darkness that tries to envelop us. Too many others around us don’t see that they too are covered in their own blanket of dirt. When the majority of people start their days worrying about what is sure to go wrong, then you’re already facing an uphill battle. Lay on top of this a poor conversation in the hall, the emotions tied to senseless media and social media opinions with the pressures of performing, and you get folks who are buried.

It’s imperative that we’re more aware of the environment we’re in. We need to wash off whatever tries to hold us captive so that we can be at least one bright spot in the days of others. I’m not asking you to ignore the challenges and divisiveness swirling around us. I’m just encouraging you not to let it encompass or define you. It shouldn’t. Remember, a quick trip can wash away months and months of crud (that’s an official HR term by the way).

This next week, make time to get a rinse. You’ll breathe that sigh of relief as well, and it will allow you to move forward with confidence once again.


Recently, our family’s life changed for the better. I’ve often written about my incredible wife and our wonderful kids. I do that because so much of my life is intertwined with theirs. We have been very fortunate in the scheme of things. Sure, we’ve hit some bumps and continue to face challenges here and there. Overall, however, we enjoy each other and walking through the journey of life together.

We’re at that stage of life as a married couple where we get to help navigate our adults if they ask for our advice. We expect them to make good choices, and we’ve let them know we’re always available for counsel if that is what either of them need. Melanie has been living in Indianapolis, Indiana for over a decade now. She’s a leader in her role as an occupational therapist and purchased her own home. She’s felt a tug lately to get an addition to her household. Several of her friends have taken a similar step with various levels of success. Now she felt it was the best time . . . to get a dog.

She had been on a few sites to look for rescue dogs. She’s let us know about a few and asked our opinion. We gave her a list of things to consider such as cost, that you had to be available all the time for the dog and to look how she could continue to be active and social without being confined only to her house. There were a few wonderful dogs who didn’t quite make a match with her. That was disappointing and a bit frustrating but she pressed on.

Then, the call came for Melanie to meet Wags. He was in a situation where a family had too many dogs under one roof. They didn’t want to part ways but felt that if he had a great home, he could make the transition. The moment they met, she knew she had found her dog and he had found his person. Wags is three years old and soon to be four. He’s a sheepdoodle who was past the puppy stage, was house trained, and was very interested and comfortable with whomever he met. He is far more intrigued by other humans than other dogs. It seemed to be the perfect match.

The family who had Wags were very gracious. They gave Melanie a ton of his dog toys, food, a leash, and a harness. It was like visiting PetSmart and getting all the needed accessories all at once. Wags eagerly jumped into Mel’s Rav4 to travel to his new home. Once there, he explored each room and seemed to be comfortable. He made sure to stay at Melanie’s side. Wherever she went, he was quick to follow. Their bond was set.

When Melanie sent the news to our family group text, we were all ecstatic to hear this !! Our son Josh even declared that Wags was now his favorite family member. We weren’t surprised. My wife Debbie and I were geeked to become granddog parents. Last week, Wags, made the trek to visit our house in Cincinnati. Debbie had prepared as if we had a new grandchild. She purchased food, dog bowls, an accompanying mat for them to rest upon, and new toys for his home away from home.

When the mighty gray and white dog entered our home, he was instantly interested in meeting us. He skipped through each room of our house and then made sure to be back in the room with us. He loved his new toy pizza (you knew that was going to happen), and he never felt out of place. Melanie brought home Ally, a work friend, with her to visit. So, the following day Melanie and Allie took the opportunity to have adventures throughout Cincinnati. That was fine with us. We wanted to watch Wags.

When the girls first left, he sat at the back door and whimpered for several minutes. He missed his human. It was touching to see. When we were able to let him know that it was fine to be with us, he warmed up to play and run around. Unfortunately, I was not feeling well and was quite run down. That is not typical for me. I tried to push through and took Wags on a walk in a light mist. He couldn’t wait to explore and was a joy to walk with.

During our jaunt, he slowed down and rubbed his head on my leg. It was uncanny. He sensed I wasn’t feeling well and he was checking to make sure I was going to make it. When we returned to the house, I collapsed on the sofa. Wags jumped up behind the crook in my legs and laid down with his head on one of my legs. We took a two-hour nap together. It was amazing and I was grateful he was there to give me comfort.

The rest of Wags’ visit was wonderful. It helped both him and us get prepared for his next upcoming visit where we’re watching him for a week while our daughter goes out to visit our son in California. He has found a place in our hearts and our family.

I share this story because we all need people, or animals, who are there by our side just because. They aren’t asking for anything other than our interest and attention. It could lead to a friendship and that would be a bonus. In the meantime, it’s important to be wanted and for others to want you in return.

The world is full of people who are lonely. They could be in a room full of people and still feel desperately alone. This is true in our workplaces as well. That is why I want to continue to encourage you to be there for all of your people FIRST !! It is so much more important, impactful and lasting. Those connections and moments of your day may be exactly just what they needed.

I’ve already learned a ton from Wags. All he’s done is show up in our lives and give us his full attention, warmth, and interest. It’s a good example for all of us.

Work with Purpose

In my second HR job, I worked for a start-up manufacturer. We made the components for convenience stores at gas stations. This included a modular store, the canopy covering the gas pumps, and the sheaths which gave the pumps a decorative look. We were ahead of our time because others constructed stores onsite and from the ground up. We made the full store in our shop, and then delivered them to a site. They were placed, plugged in, connected to utilities and were ready to go.

To perform this intricate work, we hired welders, carpenters, truck drivers, painters, metal workers, and field crew. The employees were hard-working, proud and diligent. Sure, we had some petty things people complained about but not much. I was responsible for every facet of HR and honestly, I was not versed in how to do it well. I understood the administrative mechanics of HR. They came to me easily. What I didn’t know was our business.

I could rattle off the names and roles of every employee, but I couldn’t tell you what skills they needed to do their jobs well. We had the requisite job descriptions, hiring process, and interview template. I interviewed daily and hired regularly. The problem was that all of the front-end steps I was taking didn’t mean I was choosing the best candidates. They breezed through the HR side of joining our company, but many of them couldn’t perform the tasks that were needed to build our products.

The president of our firm heard from the plant manager that the HR guy wasn’t finding the people he needed. I was raw and new. I didn’t have a working relationship with the plant manager so it made sense that he went around me. The president, Dick, told Ron, the plant manager, that he had a solution to see if I could learn the role. He liked me and my approach overall. He also knew how green I was.

He came up to me on a Friday in the office and told me he wanted to talk with me. “Steve, on Monday I want you to go to the plant at Homeward Way.” That didn’t seem like an unreasonable request. I told him that would be fine. I liked being at the plant. “Oh, one other thing. Wear jeans and get some steel-toed shoes. You’re going to learn how to weld on the floor.” Then he left and my jaw dropped.

I chased after him and asked him why he wanted me to weld. He replied easily, “You aren’t hiring well because you don’t understand our work. So, I want you to weld for the next 30 days. Ron knows you’re coming and he’ll get you set up.” I stammered and responded, “But I’m the HR guy.” He didn’t miss a beat, “I know you are. But you need to learn what we do, who does it, and why it matters.”

On Monday, I reported to the plant and saw Ron. “Hey there new welder !!” He giggled after saying this. I went out on the floor with my toolbox from home which looked as if it had never been used with my brand new, ultra-clean work boots. Roy, the welding supervisor saw me coming and he scoffed. “What’s he doing here Ron?” Ron replied, “Dick wants him to learn how to weld. He’s all yours.” Roy swore under his breath and reluctantly took me on.

“First things first,” Roy exclaimed. He then stepped on my new boots and scuffed them with black soot. The other welders on the shift came over and did the same thing. I didn’t know if this was some cruel hazing initiation because everyone did the scuffing silently. “What’s going on ??,” I said angrily. Roy simply stated, “If you’re going to work with us, you need to look like you really work.”

That month was one of the most challenging of my young career. The guys messed with me, played pranks, and also took time to teach me. I learned to value who they were and what they did. We became close and I grew to appreciate them. I hadn’t really noticed them as talented people. I thought they were necessary “workers.” I couldn’t have been more wrong.

After my one-month training session, I returned to interviewing. Before my trek, 8 out of 10 of my hires failed. Afterward, I was hitting 9 out of 10 who stayed. Later I took some time to be a carpenter, metal worker, field crew member, and painter. (Never did learn to drive a semi-truck and that was best for all involved !!)

I learned something back then that has remained with me to this day. People who work with purpose are truly talented. They don’t go through the motions. They want to bring their best every day not only to produce but also to make the company succeed. By valuing what our people did and understanding it because I worked alongside them, I now had a full appreciation of their contribution. Along with this, the guys on the floor had a better sense of who I was and how I could help them through my role as their HR person.

Do you work with purpose?

Have you stepped back to ponder that? I’ll bet you haven’t. For far too long you’ve been going through the motions because tasks have become rote. You know the patterns you follow, and you make sure others are following theirs.

The reason I want you to reflect on this is simple. You can’t expect others to work with purpose if you don’t do it yourself all the time. It’s like trying to hire welders without knowing what it entails to be a great welder. It would be amazing if you decided to stop working how you’ve been working and go back to working with purpose.

After you have this practice mastered, you can start developing a culture where working with purpose is the norm versus the exception. The lesson I learned decades ago rings true to this day. Value what you do and value what others do. Encourage them and acknowledge them. Do it. On purpose.

Meet Me Where I Am

It’s hard to believe that I’m inching closer and closer to two milestones in my career. I’m moving towards my 19th year with my current employer and in a little over a year I will have been in HR for 40 years !! Neither one of these things seems even feasible. I’m not stating these as some foreboding “end of the line” post, far from it. I’m still as geeked and eager to see HR continue to grow and thrive as when I did starting out decades ago. Probably even more so.

There was an HR Chat that was recently rekindled on the new BlueSky platform that is based in the UK. It’s called the “HR Hour” and I love it. It follows a simple format – two questions over one hour. You’d think there’d be giant gaps of silence, but that’s not the case at all. The conversation and dialogue is rich and diverse.

This past week when they kicked things off after a short hiatus, they started with the question – “How has HR changed over the past 25 years?”

I jumped in to share immediately since I had some observations and I also had worked through that entire time period. After the hour of chatting drew to a close, I remembered when I first started in my current role . . .

I work for a regional pizzeria that is truly an iconic institution. We celebrated our 70th anniversary in 2024 which is a rarity in the restaurant industry. We continue to be vibrant, viable, and growing. When I first joined, many of my HR peers pulled me aside and said, “Are you sure? HR in restaurants isn’t easy. There’s a ton of turnover and people stuff that happens.”

I didn’t have any HR peers who also worked in the restaurant industry at that time. I was a bit perplexed that others were more discouraging than encouraging. I hadn’t even started !! I’ve never been a person who feels compelled to go just from others’ opinions. I’d much rather dive in and make my own experiences, and then decide what an environment is/isn’t.

My new boss may have sensed some uncertainty when I started. You see, I was an outlier. The vast majority of the corporate staff had grown up within the company. I was an outside hire which has been the exception rather than the rule for our organization. He gave me an odd set of directions to follow when I began. He said, “I want you to listen to everyone for three months. I don’t want you to bring me ideas or suggestions for change. I just want you to observe and get to know folks at our pizzerias, our manufacturing plant ,and our call center. Make yourself available. That’s all.”

I’ll be honest, this was the most unique approach I had ever had. Even though I was a bit skeptical when I started, he held true to his instructions. We’d check in with each other on a weekly basis, and he’d ask me about who I’d met and what I’d seen so far. Once the three-month timeframe passed, he asked me for my ideas. He started with, “Okay, Steve, now that you’ve been watching, what would you change?”

I responded with a story . . .

I told him that while I visited the pizzerias I saw a change occur over time. When I first started to visit, I’d hear managers and team members say, “Shhh, that’s the HR guy from corporate.” It was disappointing that this was the initial response I received. However, I’m sure it was earned over time. If you know me at all, whenever I’ve received this type of greeting, I jump right in. I don’t let people have this kind of relationship with me or with HR.

I walked into the midst of folks and did something radical . . .

I’d say, “Hi there. My name’s Steve. What’s yours?”

That was it. I didn’t bring up my role, or my title or mention anything that alluded to any sense of “authority.” I just made sure to get around and meet each person. Every. One. After I’d get their name, I’d ask what they did and how long they’d been with LaRosa’s. Then I’d ask about their lives. Some shared and some didn’t. During every encounter, I never talked about my HR role. I’d share stories about my family and would answer any questions I received. I felt it was more important to get to know people for who they were.

My boss concurred with my approach and encouraged me. He liked what I chose to do. I explained that I have always felt more comfortable meeting people where they are vs. where I expected them to be. Each person is unique and comes from a different background and place in life. Acknowledging them for who they are connected me more effectively than trying to establish myself from some corporate position.

It worked and has been working for the past 18+ years. Actually, it’s how I’ve viewed HR since I began. We have a distinct opportunity to value people for who they are by meeting them where they are. It seems simple, and we tend to look for some model or formula that is far more complex in order to interact with people. Those never work and never will.

This week start meeting people where they are. It’s a good place. You’ll find out more than you ever imagined by being the person who’s open, vulnerable, genuine, and accessible first. It works for HR and for people in any environment. Just start with your name and see where it goes from there.

Being Shaped !!

My wife and I have been engrossed by the Netflix series, Blown Away, which is a competition between glass blowers. There have been four seasons so far, and we love how creative these artists are. I kept saying how intrigued I was by what the contestants did, so my wife surprised me with a gift certificate to a local glassblowing shop as a Christmas gift. I was so geeked and pumped to be able to try my hand at this craft. Then, I put the certificate in a drawer along with other gift cards.

That was three years ago. This year, though, I received the best request from our adult daughter Melanie. She was going to be able to spend most of the week of Christmas visiting us. She asked if I’d take a day off for a father/daughter day. You need to know how much that touched my soul. You see, Melanie turned 31 on Christmas Day, and here she was asking if she could still spend the day with her dad. Did I get weepy? Of course – as all good dads should regularly do.

I wanted the day to be memorable when I remembered the glassblowing certificate I had tucked away somewhere. My incredibly organized wife knew exactly where the gift certificate was. I told her I was going to see if I could get a class for Melanie and I to create some art. She hoped the certificate was still good which was a fair concern. I mentioned the thought of being in a glassblowing hot shop to Mel and she jumped at the chance.

I called Neusole Glassworks and asked to schedule some time for us to make two items – a Santa Claus hat and a Christmas Ornament. Thankfully, the gift certificate was still valid and we had a time set for the Friday afternoon after Christmas. Our father/daughter day started with a full breakfast with my wife and my Men’s Group at a local breakfast diner. Then we did some errands and shopped for some miscellaneous items to span the time before heading to the Glassworks.

When we arrived, we were given a quick tour and some safety instructions. We had already received instructions on the type of clothing to wear. They especially recommended wearing a T-shirt because of the heat in the hot shop. It was a brisk, cold winter day when we went so we had sweatshirts over our t-shirts. Once we entered the hot shop, the sweatshirts were shed within two minutes !! The oven that was used glowed brightly, and you felt the immense heat immediately.

We were scheduled for 1 1/2 hours in order to make our items. Seth was our instructor. He was patient, thorough, and encouraging. I was a bit concerned I’d be able to work the glass because the stations are set up for those who are right-handed. I am fiercely, and almost exclusively, left-handed. Seth assured me I’d be able to do all of the necessary tasks. He was right.

We had an absolute blast making our items while concentrating through sweat and a dry mouth. We both wanted to take the molten glass and shape it so that our pieces would be both unique and wonderful. Once we completed everything, Seth placed all four creations into the annealer to cool for several days. We had to wait a week to see how things turned out.

We closed out our father/daughter day by going to music trivia at our local haunt along with other family friends. We won too !! It was the perfect day all around.

Melanie returned home to Indianapolis over the weekend. While I was waiting to collect our glass creations to cool, set, and reach their final state, I thought our experience reflected something very applicable to HR, employees, culture, and work.

Glass, by itself, will maintain its shape unless it’s dropped or chipped. Then, unfortunately, it shatters and can’t serve its purpose. However, it can be reclaimed, heated and melted. The molten blob on the end of a blowpipe can become anything in a glassblowers hands. It can be clear or multi-colored. It can be shifted, altered, and maneuvered in any direction. There’s no telling what will be the end result.

People and change are just like glass. They all have a purpose and if they’re in their normal state, they can perform. However, when they get nicked, chipped, or even shattered they lose that intended purpose. We don’t like it when we face stress or “heat” that causes us to bend, fold, and change. It’s uncomfortable and we will do what we can to avoid these types of situations.

What we need to come to terms with though is that heat is exactly what we need to shift, grow, and stretch. We need to trust that when this happens we can be shaped into new creations that can offer even more than our original shape. We need to trust that these actions are what we need to go through even though its uncomfortable for a time.

At the beginning of a New Year, instead of resolving to “get into better shape,” why don’t we agree that we may need to be shaped ourselves? I have a feeling that each of us has more to offer if we’d allow the heat and stress to unlock the creative object that is waiting to come forth.

By the way – I picked up our artwork. It came out perfectly. Take a look !!

Set the Tone

This past week was just like most weeks. My wife and I got up early, got ready for the day, and went to work. When we got home we greeted each other and then figured out dinner. One of those days I was able to get home a bit early and I started dinner. I wanted to have things ready for Debbie before she got home herself. Things were almost ready to be served when she arrived.

She greeted me warmly but I didn’t reciprocate. There was no reason for that. She hadn’t done anything other than open the door and say, “Hello.” I was in a dark, somber mood out of nowhere. Nothing had caused it. The dinner was easy to make. There was no reason at all. It just happened. Unknowingly, I had set the tone for the rest of the night. I’m not proud of that but it happened.

Ironically, later that night I was watching a DVD (yes, a real DVD) to get ready to teach as a substitute for a couple’s group we’re in at church. In the video, the speaker shared the most astounding fact. He said, “You set the tone for the night within the first 30 seconds of when you arrive home.” My heart sank. His sage words could not have been more timely. I don’t think it was even 30 seconds before my somberness set the stage.

I share this because we often talk about wellbeing at work. It’s the hot topic at conferences and also in blogs. All of this focus is needed and has been for years. What I don’t see being talked about though is our wellbeing outside of work. We’re all far too busy if we were honest with ourselves. From the moment we wake up, we’re “on.” Our minds start to race and we grab for our phone to see if we missed anything after another night of restless sleep. We convince ourselves that every, single second has to be accounted for, and we can’t afford one wasted moment

We make each situation we encounter monumental whether it is or not. We feel this gives us purpose, drive, and value. There’s rarely any example where we slow down and catch our breath. Then, we head back home after this unending pace. (Note that this same hurriedness is true for those in remote and hybrid roles.) Work is “done” for the day and we return to our lives outside of our regular working hours. We may go back to a spouse, a partner, kids, our pets or just our abode.

Without pausing and winding down somewhat, we’re sure to come in hot. There’s no reason to do this. You can make the time to pause. You can. The question is – Do you want to?

For me, the answer is “Yes.” I started this discipline that day. First, I apologized to my wife for being in a funk. Secondly, I shared this story with our group so they heard a real-world example of what we were learning. Third, I’ve been pausing and making sure to remember that I can set the tone quickly. I want those first 30 seconds to be great from now on.

It’s working and I’m also starting to use this approach to interactions at work. Taking just a moment to break the pace is a simple practice, but it will take discipline. I would rather set the tone versus having people feel they have to react. How about you? Are you willing to set the tone?

We Should All Be More Fair

Last weekend my wife and I got to visit one of my favorite places on the planet – the Indiana State Fair. We went with our daughter who lives in Indy along with two of her close friends. We made sure to get to the fairgrounds early and even then there was a line of cars over a mile long slowly crawling to find a place to park. We missed our turn and ended up going down a side road through our own slow crawl. A police officer who was helping with the traffic snarl asked me if we minded veering off to the right and parking in a person’s yard. He told us we’d have to walk awhile to get into the fair, but we were thankful to get out of the mass of cars.

We made our way toward the gate which ended up being about a ten-minute walk, and then entered the throng of people. It was packed and I thought that was wonderful. You could see people wandering from location to location full of excitement and anticipation. The sights, sounds, and smells of the fair encompassed you and made the experience even better.

I am so enamored by the State Fair environment because I grew up around a farm. I was raised with my brother by my Grandpa and Grandma who ran a dairy farm. We had an aunt and uncle who had another farm a few miles away that was a mixture of raising sheep, cattle, chicken, and pigs along with acres of land growing corn, wheat, hay, and soybeans. Returning to the fairgrounds brought back all of those great memories and I was once again in my element.

The young adults who were with us were somewhat patient, but I don’t think they were ready for how I wanted to take in every aspect of the fair at a measured pace. We compromised a bit so I could wander through the rows of classic tractors and take my time in each of the livestock barns. Those are my favorites because the young kids who raise these beautiful animals live in the barn with them during the fair.

If you’ve never seen how the kids care for the animals, you really should. They take time to check on them regularly, give them baths, feed them throughout the day, and groom them so they look their best. When the kids take them to the arena to “show” them, you can’t measure the pride they exhibit. They have worked for months and months for the few moments they are in front of the judges. They’re competing for a ribbon. Yes, a ribbon. That is the pinnacle of all of their hours and hours of preparation. If they are fortunate to be in the top three of their class, they’ll get that ribbon. You should see their exuberance.

We also took our time in the 4H buildings where young people put together amazing projects ranging from decorative cake making to sewing to woodworking to art and photography (just to mention a few.) There are three buildings with multiple floors filled with rows and rows of these projects. Again, their prize – a ribbon.

As we took time to experiment and try fair food, including fried Oreos and fried cookie dough, I paused to wonder what our workplaces would look like if we took the same “fair” approach that all of the young people did. If we made sure to give all of our people undivided attention and ensured their basic needs were met so that they could perform, what would happen? If we allowed people the time needed to be creative with all the materials they needed, what would they be able to produce?

We are so focused on just getting things done in our organizations, that we don’t feel we have time to care for, equip, and believe in our people. “Work” gets the spotlight and not people doing the work. This has never been effective and never will be.

We could learn from the young people at the State Fair. They do all they can for a few moments and a small prize. However, their passion, dedication, and determination are built into seeing their good work come to life. From now on, let’s see how all of our cultures can emulate being a little more “fair.”

Shed Shopping

This weekend I personally crossed a threshold. I have always enjoyed mowing my yard by walking it using a self-propelled mower. When we first owned our house, I could mow the entire 1/2 acre in about 1 1/2 hours and on one tank of gas. It was invigorating and I looked forward to every cut. Now, Father Time is winning and what was once a task I enjoyed has turned into a chore.

I still love being outside and working in my yard. I hope that desire never wanes. However, mowing has now turned into a several-hour task where I end up spent and exhausted. I have resisted the purchase of a riding lawn mower. I have been defiant and stubborn because I never wanted to admit defeat. The time has come to accept that I need an alternative so that mowing never becomes a health issue.

To get this elusive piece of equipment to assist me in my yardwork calls for a new addition – a shed. We don’t have enough room in our garage for a riding lawn mower with our cars. I know I could park outside, but we have enough room to add this new structure. (Please note that I know we’re fortunate to have the home and property we have and don’t take it for granted.)

To find a location that sells sheds, I searched online and found a location that was a mere five miles from my house. That seemed ideal and too good to be true. My wife and I jumped into the car and trekked over to hopefully find what we were looking for. When we pulled up to the drive, we were a bit concerned. There were examples of sheds lined up along the right side of the drive, but we didn’t see anyone we could talk to. We saw one of the buildings that had a small clock sign on it with hands saying people would be back at 10:00 am. It was 10:30 am. We didn’t feel confident about this location or experience. It was disappointing, but we weren’t defeated.

We looked for other places throughout the city we could venture to. One site looked promising but it was quite a drive to get there. Undeterred, we headed out. As we pulled into the location at Miller Barns, we felt more at ease and thought we’d potentially find a shed. The buildings were more spread out and there was a main office right as you entered the property. We were able to meander in and out of as many buildings as we liked. We checked out sheds of every style and size. Inside each one was pricing information and dimensions.

After almost an hour, we went into the office and were greeted by two young, eager, and engaged men. They started with, “Hi there !! What brings you in?”

“We’d like to buy a shed,” I replied. “Well, then I think you came to the best place for that,” said the lead manager. I know this sounds cliche but it wasn’t. The two staff were full of passion and couldn’t wait to answer every question we posed. They asked what our time frame was and tried to gauge our interest. They were fairly sure we weren’t going to make an impulse buy, but they wanted to do their best to get us closer to making a purchase.

We thanked them for their time and reassured them we’d be back to get a shed after we did some measuring back home. To try to ply us one last time they offered us some delectable donuts on the way out. (We passed . . . this time.) The experience with the team who loved their job made our decision easy. We’ll definitely be back to get the new house for the impending riding lawn mower.

Do you see what a difference it makes when you encounter people who love their job? The first place we visited was run down, sketchy, and virtually abandoned. The second place was warm, welcoming, informed, and prepared to provide a great customer encounter. What is it like where you work? How about you personally?

You see, I think we focus so much on what’s wrong at work. Or, we complain about how others aren’t as good producers as they should be. The two gentlemen did none of that. It’s going to end up in a sale. What if we took on their approach and loved what we did instead? What would our companies look like if we expected this from others as well?

I know it makes a difference by loving the work I do. I believe that if you can see this shed shopping, you can make it come to life everywhere !!

On Being a Dad . . .

It’s Father’s Day.

I know taking a day to recognize fathers may not bring up the best sentiments or memories for people. Whenever I hear of someone who didn’t, or currently doesn’t, have a good relationship with their father it’s hard. It’s also a shame because a healthy father/child relationship is the best. Please know that I genuinely ache when I hear someone hasn’t had a healthy relationship with their father. I know a multitude of reasons, decisions, and actions can be the cause for this to occur. I don’t dare to try to comprehend what this has meant to people.

What I would like to share though is something more encouraging and positive. I’ve been very fortunate to have had two dads in my life. My biological dad was wonderful but I only knew him for the first four years of my life because he passed away when he was 24 years old. My second dad entered my life when I was at the challenging age of 13. He was wonderful since the time he married my mom and was for 44 years until he passed in 2020.

I have been a father for 30+ years now and I’m genuinely more grateful and excited now to have this opportunity than when it first occurred. My two kids are becoming fascinating adults and I’m grateful they want both myself and my wife in their lives. I don’t take it for granted because I don’t want to miss a moment of the adventures they’re taking.

I grew up around a dad who was always present. It was such a powerful image and model when I experienced his support, encouragement, discipline, advice, and direction just by having him in the activities I was involved in. His visibility spoke louder than any feedback or critique I’d receive. I would look out into the audience or stands just to make sure he was there. I’ve followed that model and have done all I can to be present for both of my kids when they were young and even more so now that they’re out on their own.

When I look at the time I’ve been a dad, my kids and I have surely had ups, downs, challenges, arguments, and times to ask each other for forgiveness. I’ve tried to be a dad who doesn’t put on airs, or show a different face at work, home, or in the community. I’ve wanted my kids to see the power of being humble, honest, fun, and vulnerable. Each day I know I’m going to be watched for how I talk, treat others, and react in various situations.

If I could share a list of what I hope they get from me being their dad, it would be this:

I want them to know that I am a man of faith who believes in the best of others.

I want them to know that people are worth my time, attention, and empathy.

I want them to know I will fail. When I do, I want them to see how I face failure and work through it.

More than anything, I want them to know how grateful I am to be their dad. My life wouldn’t be nearly as full without them.

I want them to know I will be there for them regardless of what life brings. They have my love forever.

I love being a dad. It’s the greatest job I will ever get to do !!