Load Your Quiver !!

Recenty a phenomenal effort to pull the HR blogging community came to a close – the HR Bloggers Network.  It was the brainchild of Laurie Reuttimann and I was fortunate to be included in this effort.

The highlight for me in this was to be attached to a group of incredible HR pros who regularly offer great content to the broader HR community.  I make sure to read each post these folks offer and utilize their wisdom, insight and advice in how I practice HR everyday !!

Too often, when people read your posts, they don’t take that next step to look at a blogroll or see what others are saying. I’m like most people and have my “faves,” but honestly, I try to take in as much information as possible because it allows me to be a better HR professional.  One can never learn enough . . . ever !!

QuiverI have an approach that I’d like to share with you.  I think HR people need to load their quiver.  This way you have the arrows needed in order to protect yourself, hunt for new opportunities and attack those things that need to be addressed.

HR Blogs are a great way to load that quiver !! So, this week I want to break out the authors who made up the HR Blogger Network and make sure you know who they are, what their blog is about and where to find it.  Please note that there are a myriad of other phenomenal HR bloggers out there, and I’m working on a way to feature them as well.

My goal is to reach the entire HR community !!  I know that’s a huge goal, but we are only better by being more connected.  Make sure to take this list of bloggers and share them with others.  Don’t just read this post and stop.  It’s time for us to arm everyone so that all our quivers are full !!

Now, the great folks (and friends) from the HR Blogger Network:

Laurie Ruettimann (@lruettimann on Twitter) – Social media pioneer who has an edgy look at our profession.  Always dig that she makes me stretch !! Her blog is The Cynical Girl.

Bonni Titgemeyer (@BonniToronto on Twitter) – Founder of the Employment Opportunities List and the TEPHR community. Great voice on getting employment right !! Find her at The EO List.

Elizabeth Lalli-Reese (@TXStrategicHR on Twitter) – Keeping HR strategic is always a good thing and Elizabeth offers a ton of insight and perspective on how to do this.  Her blog is Texas Strategic HR.

Lisa Rosendahl (@lisarosendahl on Twitter) – As an HR practitioner in the healthcare field, Lisa offers a grounded view on HR and on life !!  You can find her blog at Lisa Rosendahl.

Ben Eubanks (@beneubanks on Twitter) – Ben is the present and future of HR !! He offers incredible resources for younger people in the field.  His blog is aptly named Upstart HR.

Kimberly Patterson (@kimberly_patt on Twitter) – Kimberly truly takes a different look at HR.  She is very passionate about what we do and wants to make sure that we look at all angles of what we do.  Hence the blog title – UNconventional HR.

Joan Ginsberg (@JoanGinsberg on Twitter) – Joan is a truly genuine HR pro who always gives a genuine look at all that we do !!  That’s why it makes sense that her blog is titled Just Joan.

Bill Boorman (@BillBoorman2 on Twitter) – Bill is a futurist and the driving force behind UNconferences literally around the globe. He’s always looking for what’s next. His blog is Norton Folgate – The Recruiting Unblog.

Lars Schmidt (@ThisIsLars on Twitter) – Lars is all about recruiting, innovation and talent. He’s a compelling force on making workplaces better.  You can find him at Amplify Talent.

Melissa Fairman (@HrRemix on Twitter) – Melissa is a fellow HR practitioner who really has a solid handle on all facets of HR.  Her advice is practical and applicable in all industries. Her blog looks to mix it up at HR reMix.

Jennifer McClure (@JenniferMcClure on Twitter) – Jennifer has a great grasp on recruiting and integrating HR strategically throughout an organization.  She is contantly looking how to reach the HR community. Her blog is Unbridled Talent.

Victorio Milian (@Victorio_M on Twitter) – Victorio brings a cool vibe to all that he does.  He offers a great perspective to recruiting issues and opportunities mixed in with a great musical taste !! Find him at Creative Chaos HR.

Jennifer V. Miller (@JenniferVMiller on Twitter) – Jennifer has a focus on all aspects of Leadership, and she gets it right !!  Her insight is very applicable at all levels of an organization. Her blog answers The People-Equation.

Dan McCarthy (@greatleadership on Twitter) – Dan is another great voice in the Leadership arena.  His focus on making us GREAT is phenonmenal – and needed.  Connect with him on his blog Great Leadership.

Lance Haun (@thelance on Twitter) – Self-described “nut about Talent Management” and an avid NBA fan, Lance gives a broad perspective to all areas of talent in organizations.  His blog is Life Between the Brackets.

Matthew Stollak (@akaBruno on Twitter) – Matthew is one of the few HR voices from academia.  He is advancing the field and also training the folks of the future !! His insights can be found at True Faith HR.

Paul Hebert (@IncentIntel on Twitter) – Paul is one of the few solid, objective voices on the topic of recognition.  He doesn’t pull punches because he believes in the value of lifting others up !! You can find him at Symbolist.

Robin Schooling (@RobinSchooling on Twitter) – Robin always has a great tale of experience from her career in HR.  They are episodes that we all face at one time or another !! Learn from her at the HR Schoolhouse.

John Nykolaisyn (@CigarSPHR on Twitter) – John has a great background in both the hospitality and education arenas.  He likes to keep things fresh and turn others “on their head” in the workplace !! His blog is Fast Food HR.

Ron Thomas (@ronald_thomas on Twitter) – Ron is currently an ex-pat working in a senior HR role in Saudi Arabia.  He is a true global HR leader with an incredible look at all that HR does. You can find him at Strategy Focused HR.

Steve Boese (@SteveBoese on Twitter) – Steve is the strongest voice in HR Tech !!  In fact, he’s heading up the HR Tech Conference starting this year.  He also hosts the incredible HR Happy Hour blog radio show. Connect with him at Steve Boese’s HR Technology.

Tim Sackett (@TimSackett on Twitter) – Tim has a great viewpoint on HR in the field.  His no nonsense approach is refreshing and challenging. His blog is at The Tim Sackett Project.

Shauna Moerke (@HR_Minion on Twitter) – Shauna offers a bright, fresh look on life and HR !!  If you know her you’d see this is true from her infectious laugh to her healthy wit. Find her at HR Minion.

Tim Gardner (@TimJGardner on Twitter) – Tim brings a unique voice to the world of HR bloggers.  A self-proclaimed introvert, Tim has a thoughtful, in-depth viewpoint every time he writes. His blog is perfectly titled The HR Introvert.


You Have A Choice !!

As the work week begins . . . you have a choice !!

You can enter the parking lot of your workplace and release a heavy sigh (as most American workers do every day), or you can wake up and decide what opportunities lay before you and how YOU can be involved to make a difference !!

I’ve been working on this myself.  It’s easy to sit at a keyboard and jot down words to share.  I often wonder if what is written by people is practiced or espoused.  Is it great motivational insight only?  I can’t really handle that if it is.

You see I’ve made a choice myself.  I choose to live abundantly vs. die indifferently !!

There’s a true reason behind such a statement.  Too many people float around every day.  Their work is “just a job.”  They don’t feel what they do makes a difference.  It has to be an incredible burden to painfully slog through the day thinking that what you do has little to no impact.

I don’t buy it !!  I really don’t.

You see, even not making a choice is . . . in itself . . . a choice.  You can’t sit idly by and think you’re not impacting other people.  Therefore, you’re making a difference, but maybe not one you intended.  I can’t sit by and just waste away thinking that by coasting I won’t make waves.

Make A DifferenceI want to make waves !!  I want to be uncomfortable each and every day in what I do in all aspects of my life.  There is too much at stake and too many lives to be reached.

In HR I hear too many of my peers lamenting what they can’t do.  Or, how their organization doesn’t value their contribution or HR itself.  I know this happens.  But, what are you doing to make a difference ??  Do you even look to see if that is what you can do ??

We have an incredible opportunity each and every day.  We can take the people we work with and allow them to shine, contribute and make waves !!  I don’t feel that people want to just “exist” in the workplace.  I’m not talking engagement here.  I’m talking impact !!  Employees want to add value to the Company, not just put their time in.  I would challenge anyone who says that this isn’t the case.  If it is, or if that is the general vibe in your workplace, then evaluate yourself first to see if you’ve made the choice to change that attitude.

We can bring light to an organization !!  We don’t have to get stuck in the trenches in the darkness, mire and muck.  We should cut through the trenches with vitality, intentionality and strength !!  This goes beyond passion.

YOU make a difference everyday in all you do !!  This isn’t some rah, rah speech.  It’s a fact.  The question is, what difference are you making ??

It’s a new week.  You have a choice . . .




HR is Surreal !!

This past week I was fortunate enough to be on vacation in Clearwater Beach, Florida with my family.  We’re a close family that tries to explore the areas we go to.  We’re not the sit on the beach for 7 days group.

One of the things that my wife and kids “tolerate” is my art fix.  You see, I love to see art of all kinds.  I need to get a fix when we go on vacation just to refuel creative juices.  I love to see how others express themselves and am fairly open to most types of art.  We spent one day in beautiful St. Petersburg which has a very cool art vibe to it.  After exploring local artist shops, we went to a mecca . . . at least for me. The Dali Museum !!

Salvador Dali was his own person (to say the least).  It was so cool to walk through the museum to see that he started out “normally” to learn from the contemporaries of his day and used a more traditional style.  This changed as he aged and he found his own voice.  Listening to the walking tour, you found out that Dali’s extremely different surreal paintings were his attempt to capture what people’s dreams really looked like.  His images are vibrant, intricate, deep in meaning and disturbing at times.

Dali BenchIf you haven’t looked into Dali’s work, you should.  I’m sure you’d recognize his work and images.

As odd as it may sound, I saw HR all throughout the Dali museum.  In fact, I dig the fact that he was so radically intentional in what he did, what he painted and how he lived.  He also tried to express the innermost thoughts and images of himself and others.

In our field, we hear the thoughts and feelings of people every single day.  The question is – do you take the time to delve into the layers of these encounters, or are you just placating people to get them to “move on” ??  People are like art.  They deserve to be observed, examined and enjoyed.  They may not always fit your taste, but they all have value to offer.  They shouldn’t be skipped over to get to the “more attractive” or “more well known” piece.

Like Dali’s work, people are also fluid, unpredictable, layered and unconventional.  That’s what makes them amazing !!  The key to understanding this approach though is to be like Dali – intentional !!  You don’t have to go with the flow in your organization, or in HR !!  Going against the flow is much more freeing and gives you a perspective that others who just going the same direction never see.

So, this week look at the palette around you that make up the canvas of your corner of the HR universe.  Put your touch on it and bend it, shape it, crinkle it and make it shine.  Release your inner Dali !!

Do You Love Your Job ??

Today is a first for Everyday People !!  I’m away on vacation with my amazing family, so I decided to have a guest post.  This is the first guest post ever for my blog, so I only have the BEST person to break this barrier – Dr. Daniel Crosby, PhD !!

Daniel is a dear friend and an incredible resource.  He is doing great work with Suited Jobs that you MUST check out !!   Suited is a tool that provides fit scores for
your company culture, job and provides suggestions for work that might better
suit you. Now, for the good Dr. !!


One-sided relationships never work. This maxim sounds true, yet too many of us think that it doesn’t apply to our jobs.

Being highly committed to your job not only helps your employer, it helps you. Researchers have pointed out several benefits:

  • You’ll go above and beyond to be innovative and creative in your work.
  • You’ll be more motivated.
  • You’ll take less stress home with you.
  • You’ll be more likely to be recognized for your work.

Take an honest look at your relationship with your job. When was the last time you did something for your job you didn’t have to do? When was the last time you went out of your way for your job and didn’t complain? When was the last time you woke up excited to spend time with your job?

If the fire is no longer burning, just take a lesson from James Ziemer and find reasons to be committed to your work.

Love Your JobJames Ziemer, the former CEO of Harley-Davidson, started with the company in 1969. Only he didn’t start as an executive. He entered the organization as a lowly freight elevator operator. In this job, he was responsible for hauling motorcycle equipment from floor to floor. Only he wasn’t hauling just any old parts. To Ziemer, they were the crown jewels of the company.  In the years that followed, Ziemer became familiar with the operations of other parts of the business; he later worked in the manufacturing, engineering, accounting, parts and accessories, and finance departments. All of these experiences, in one way or another, would prove instrumental as he took on an executive role. Ziemer’s early experiences with Harley-Davidson were inextricable from the perspective he held while sitting at the top of the company.

Remember Ziemer’s story when thinking about your own work day. This new perspective can change how you look at mundane tasks and help to rekindle the old flame. Think of your job tasks as paving the way to something bigger and better.

Making cold calls? Sales skills will come in handy when negotiating your first large-scale acquisition.

Crunching numbers? You’ll need that skill when calculating your own salary.

Remember to look at the big picture. You might not be sitting pretty with your trophy job at the moment, but you’ll be proving to yourself that you are ready for more than just another quick Hollywood-type fling.

A Positive State of Mind !!

Lately, the HR Blog world has had a negative vibe.  I understand that what we do in Human Resources can be challenging, frustrating and even overwhelming.  We are dealing with people.  I think it actually could be the definition of “human being.”

The other trend I’ve noticed is that most of HR is focused on fixing what’s wrong.  The real limitation of this is that the majority of the things that are truly “wrong” with people makes up only about 10% of the folks you work with.  However, that makes up 90% of our focus.  It results in programs, policies, and efforts that miss the best employees all together !!

Honestly, it tires me out.  Doesn’t it tire you out?  I try my best to be positive every day and in every situation.  Whenever I’ve brought this approach out, it gets looked at as being somewhat of a Pollyanna.  Someone who doesn’t recognize the reality of the swirl of day-to-day life and negativity that tries to swallow us whole.

Stay PositiveI don’t see positivity as a “way of life.”  I see it as a choice.  I can choose to fill myself with those things that are good and uplifting.  I can choose to surround myself with people who look for the best in themselves and in others.  I can choose to believe that EVERYONE has value !!  And, I can also choose to be positive with others when I interact with them.

Sure, that’s also challenging !!  I’m not naive.  In fact, I know that I’m probably seen as challenging to others, have had blue funk days, and am quite sure that I’ve disappointed others for a variety of reasons.  Having setbacks don’t lessen a positive outlook.  In fact, the ability to face the peaks and valleys of life is a necessity.  Again, you face a choice.

I’m going to look for, and highlight, #PositiveHR when I see it.  I think it’s time to turn the tide in the field and in Social Media forums.  It doesn’t mean we can’t be critical.  We should be. It doesn’t mean that things shouldn’t improve.  They should.  HOW those things are done is the difference !!

People want positive things around them and in their lives.  Everyday.  Honestly, they’re yearning for it personally and in their workplaces.  They’re especially looking for it in, and from, HR !!

You’re starting a new week.  I’m sure the week ahead is full of all kinds of opportunities and obstacles.  You have a choice.  Will it be positive ??  I can tall you what my approach will be.

Going Deep !!

The majority of our days are spent with people in some form or fashion.  In the workplace, you encounter people in many situations and often with different outcomes.  Even though we spend the bulk of our time at work, we don’t really have “deep” relationships.

This isn’t bad.  In fact, the reality taking relationships deeper at work can be tenuous.  The dynamics in the workplace need balance in order for them to be effective.  Collaboration comes from a healthy give and take with folks.  You can have very close friends you work with, but I think that leaves a gap that most of us want filled.

Do you have folks you can “get real” with?  Someone who really challenges you and makes you dissect your views, opinions, etc. to have you take time to be introspective.  Someone who doesn’t automatically agree with you.  If you don’t, you should.

Why do you need someone like this?

Going DeepIt’s necessary because the culture in most organizations strives for conformity.  Conformity of thought, actions, appearance, etc.  And, unfortunately, most HR people love this !!  The least resistance makes our jobs comfortable.  If people “fall in line,” then we think we’re being effective and doing our jobs.

The opposite is actually what should be our goal.  One of my great friends who makes me go deep just reminded me – “If you’re comfortable, you’re not growing.”  So true !!  Having someone who you can bounce ideas off who isn’t in your organization is great because they don’t have the same filters and assumed culture that your workplace inherently has.

There are some key things to consider if you have someone to go deep with:

  • It has to be interactive and not one sided !! – This isn’t a forum or venue for someone to just be a sage, mentor or someone who espouses their opinions.  This is dialogue.  You both have to press each other.
  • It has to be intentional !! – You can set time aside to have conversations, but make sure it’s top of mind and timely.  This isn’t a therapy session.  It’s a chance to lock horns with someone when you need to hit them up.  Also, anything goes in these interactions.  You have to understand that you’re trying to be stretched here, but that it’s still safe.
  • It has to be genuine !! – Whenever I have these conversations, it’s raw, passionate and direct.  You never hear catch phrases or HRspeak – EVER !!  In fact, it’s how most people would love to express themselves in companies if they could.  You know that you can be open with the others involved because they have this expectation as well.
  • It has to be limited !! – I would limit the number of folks you engage in deep conversations.  Why?  Most people won’t do it well.  That’s a real shame, but most won’t take the time or really dive in when they talk.  People want to keep things at the surface level which is cool.  But, it also never fills the gap to stretch beyond your norms.

So, this week, if you don’t have someone you can go deep with, find somone.  If you have someone, give them a ring to talk to them.  This goes beyond electronic forms of communication and demands a relationship.  Trust me.  If you get a few of these folks around you, you will become the businessperson that your Company truly wants around !!

All Keyed Up !!

When’s the last time you had an event truly shape or change your life?  I know that we all have these types of events and once they occur you need to decide how you are going to respond.

Last week I experienced an event that truly changed my life !!

I just returned from Sea Base which is a national Boy Scout camp located in the Florida Keys. The past week was spent doing everything from kayaking in the Gulf of Mexico to swimming off a boat in 600 feet of water in the Gulf Stream !!  If I wrote the post on every amazing activity I experienced, it would be too long to read.

Key West Southernmost PointI spent the week with six phenomenal young men, including my son and another dad from the Troop.  Two other dads traveled with us and hung out on vacation while we experienced the adventures of Sea Base.  Here we all are at the Southernmost Point in the US in Key West !!

It’s hard to capture the emotions that happened throughout the week because every day brought something unique and new to each of us.  At the beginning of the week there is an “adult meeting” to explain what was going to happen.  The point that struck me was when the Camp Commissioner said, “There will be things this week that challenge you.  I encourage you to take a risk and stretch yourself.  When you do, you’ll see you have the ability to do more than you think.  Also, your boys will see that you are involved and will want to join in with you.”

That’s when the life changing moment happened.  Mind you, this was on the 1st day of the week !!

How often do we not heed this advice in our work as HR professionals?  This wasn’t someone throwing down a gauntlet.  It was someone who gave encouragement with context.  He laid down the opportunity, explained the potential for success and failure and how that opportunity would be a model for others.

I was on fire after that !!  It was the first week where EVERY single day was positive from start to finish !!  I mean it.  EVERY SINGLE MOMENT !!  There were incredible challenges that we faced both physically like being in the ocean as well as living on an out island that was more like Survivor than anything I’ve ever seen.  Throughout each day there was constant laughter and an incredible bond with the staff as well as the chance to do things with the boys that we never dreamt of doing before with ease !!

Several people bemoaned when I came back – “Oh, now you HAVE to go BACK to work !!”  Are you kidding ??

I GET to return to a place where more great people are looking for (1) encouragement with context who (2) want to take risks to (3) succeed or fail and I get to (4) model it myself for others.

I’m keyed up (aka as Geeked !!)  Sea Base took off the filters, edges, doubt and frustration with things that lay before me.  I’m a better person for stretching this week and I hope you do the same !!

5 New Ideas !!

SHRM13 has wrapped up and it was honestly the best National SHRM Conference I’ve attended.  The vibe was cool and people seemed to be at ease and engaged at the same time.  Just prior to the Conference kicking off, my good friend, Mark Stelzner, put a challenge out on Facebook to see if anyone could come away from the event with 5 new ideas.

I loved the challenge and responded immediately.  Now, let’s get the “there are no new ideas” cynicism out of the way.  This may be inherently true, but you have to remember that the HR universe is a gigantic bell curve !!  The conference had folks from those new to the field to CHRO’s.  The idea of “new” is really dependent upon the individual and not whether you think it’s new or not.

Too often we read blogs and think everyone’s heard that before !!  I think you need to rethink that because as much as we’d like to think we carry a broad swath of our profession, we are reaching a truly engaged minority.  That is very cool, but we aren’t going as deep as we can.  This was reflected in the myriad of people who flocked to the transactional HR sessions because I’m sure it was important to their role.  I went to others that reflected mine.  That’s not being critical – that’s being practical.

Lightbulb PlantsNow to the five new ideas !! (at least to me)

#1 – HR needs to be integrated throughout business not just “know” the business.

There were a billion sessions who broke Matt Stollak’s rule of saying “seat at the table,” but they weren’t encouraging it, they were noting that this wasn’t enough (and in actually never has been).  The C-Suite expects HR to be woven throughout the organization – not just show up at Executive meetings.

 #2 – Giving shouldn’t just be done by writing a check.

Listening to Blake Mycoskie was so refreshing !!  To see someone from Gen Y who is truly reflective of a success story of his generation was cool.  During his presentation he showed how a company can be profitable and giving simultaneously.  Also, the expectation that his employees are all in on the efforts of Toms gives folks a great model of living a culture vs. trying to program it.

#3 – No one is as dumb as all of us.

Other than being incredibly inspirational, listening to Mark Kelly speak was very grounding.  He noted that this saying was on the wall at NASA after the Challenger tragedy.  It warns us that group-think is more dangerous than an individual idea.  Too often HR jumps into a group decision in order to tag along in organizations.  Be wary of this and truly review all ideas that come down the pike.

#4 – We’re all in sales.

Daniel Pink was phenomenal !!  His ideas that “we’re all in sales” isn’t particularly new. But he noted that few truly practice this approach.  For HR to be integrated (see #1), you need to sell what you’re company does.  In fact, Jennifer McClure noted in her session that she wanted to see Businesspeople who practice HR vs. HR people who happen to know the business.

#5 – Surround yourself with leaders.

Jen McClure provided a completely different ending to her phenomenal session when she encouraged people to surround themselves and get connected to people who are leaders in HR.  This wasn’t just the same old – follow people who are well known.  It was a stronger approach to get truly connected to HR practitioners who show they are leading in the field.  The folks she listed are givers.  They make sure to give first to all those that connect with them.

#6 – HR people want to connect with others, but they don’t know how.

(Bonus Idea) 15,000+ folks wandered through the halls of McCormick Place for SHRM13, and I tried my best to encounter and meet as many as I could.  There was a sense that people wanted to meet others, but they didn’t seem willing to step out and make that happen.  At each session I attended, I introduced myself to all those around me and asked their state, city, role, etc. and then listened to their story.  I also did this on the elevator, escalator, hallways, HRCI Hideaway, Blogger’s Lounge and SHRM Volunteers Leaders lounge.  This isn’t to brag.  It’s to give you an idea of the vastness of the number of HR folks who aren’t being reached.  True, they’re attending and getting their credits, but their sphere of connectivity was limited in general.  There are many, like me, who were trying to meet folks and change this paradigm, but it’s still an uphill opportunity that is exhilarating !!

Whew !!  This post is almost as long as the Conference.  I didn’t even talk about the great SHRM Kickball game, the incredible vendor hall and the unforgettable SHRM Tweetup !!  Another day.

In the end, the whole thing rocked !!  I came home even more geeked than when I went.  Seeing old friends, making new ones and being a part of the future of HR is energizing. Stay tuned !!!


An Opportunity you Can Kick In !!

One week from now I get the chance to attend the SHRM National Conference in Chicago !!  It’s an incredible event for professional development, networking and connecting with HR pros from around the globe !!

It’s also an opportunity to make a difference.  I dig being active and visible in Social Media.  I have to be very honest and clear about that because too often HR people who aren’t active think that what we do is out of reach or not feasible for them.  What difference does it make to just be out “in the space” ??

What people lose sight of is that the folks who are active in Social Media aren’t just talking (or typing) heads.  They’re very real and folks who push the boundaries and take action.  That’s why I love to be included with this crew !!

No Kid Hungry LogoThis year a group of us are getting together at SHRM13 to play kickball !!  (That’s great Steve – what does that have to do with anything ??)  Good question.  You see, we’re playing for charity to raise money and awareness for No Kid Hungry.  They’re a phenomenal organization who’s making a real difference in ending hunger for children in America.

You have an opportunity to help us out in our efforts even though you might not be playing.  We’re taking donations until we play next Sunday night.  You can do by clicking on this link that goes to our  fundraising page – SHRM 13 Kickball.

The thought of a bunch of adults reaching back to our childhood to have a friendly game from all of our memories gets me geeked !!  We should never lose that time when we freely played, used our imaginations and thought there were no boundaries that we would ever face.

It’s humbling that I get to be involved in such a cool service and outreach effort.  I hope you can take this opportunity to connect, give and take action as well.  Your donation will help children eat – something we often take for granted.

For those of you on Twitter – for every Tweet on Tuesday using the hashtag #SHRMKickball there are two sponsors who will donate $1.00 per tweet up to $1,000 !!  That is sweet !!

People ask me if HR can ever make a difference – Here’s a chance to show you can !!

Make sure you check out No Kid Hungry going forward as well.  This may be something that your employees families are facing, and you don’t even know it.  To get you in the “mood” I leave you with a song that talks about “opportunities” with that HR tie.  Enjoy and thanks for considering this !!

Why Can’t We Be Friends ??

In a few weeks I’m going to SHRM13 !!  The National HR Conference is always a great event.  It’s so cool to be surrounded by thousands of HR pros from literally all over the world.

It will be great to see friends, but I’m also looking forward to meeting new folks.  This is sometimes a challenge because many attendees are in a mad rush to get to sessions for their credits, or they stick with people from their own geographic region.  I get this because I was like that when I first started going to SHRM Conferences.  I thought the event was more important than the people who were right there with me.

That’s changed over the years and now my goal is to try and connect with as many HR peers as I can.  I think we have the opportunity to take these types of forums and reach across boundaries to be a better profession !!  Recently, Hank Jackson, SHRM CEO, shared that he wants SHRM to be seen as a Professional Society vs. a Membership Organization.  When I heard this, I was geeked !!  I’d love to see this transformation truly occur because the majority of messaging from SHRM over the past few years has been focused on membership.

Meeting OthersIt’s time for us, as HR professionals though to pave the way for this to occur.  The best way for SHRM to move forward is for us to show the way and reach out to each other.  It’s never going to shift much unless we move first.

I know this takes some risk, but it’s worth it.  I know that by stepping out, I’ve met great people from literally around the world !!  It meant taking the first step in most instances, but it’s always resulted in great relationships and even better resources.  You have to remember that you share a common bond because of HR !!  You’ll always have something to talk about.

So, if you’re going to be at SHRM13, let’s make sure to connect.  It will rock and we’ll start setting the standard for others to follow !!