What happens when kids grow up? They become our employees !!
I find it fascinating in the workplace today that HR practitioners have lost sight of this reality. How much time of your day is spent on behaviors that seem childish? When you look at the policies and procedures you write, are you doing it for a better workplace, or trying to address those who won’t behave ??
This list of “what if’s” can string on and on. And, often in our workplace it does !! When you ask people what they think about employees, it isn’t positive. That is really a shame. It’s a shame because we’ve allowed the workplace, and HR, to be driven from a negative filter. It’s the “let’s see what’s wrong and address it” model.
This past week I had a great opportunity to speak at the INSHRM Leadership Day for their volunteer leaders. We laughed, howled and learned together. I showed them my newest HR “tool” that has proven to be very effective. I doubt you’ll see it in many of the blogs, publications and theoretical models that keep churning out in our field. Take a look . . .
You see, I’ve been giving them out to the managers of our stores because I want to have them “look at things differently.” When I handed out the first batch of them, I did the HR thing and started jumping to the next point in my presentation. I had to stop because I turned around and each person had their kaleidoscope pointed up toward a light, and they were twisting it to see what new shape would appear next. There were a lot of “oohs” and “aahs” coming from this great group of Team Members.
Then it hit me again . . . what happens to kids when they grow up ??
A better answer is that they still love to play !! They love to laugh and have fun !! They want to enjoy what they do and it’s fairly obvious that most workplaces have taken this inate element of who we are as people and controlled it.
Our WORK is more important than bringing ourselves to work. We’re so used to creating and designing new systems that we have lost sight of the simple fact that kids like to play.
So, this week go out of your way to laugh !! I mean it. Instead of looking for the next great team building exercise, have fun yourself !! If employees see you having fun, they’ll be curious and wonder what’s happening.
Trust me. If you do this, it will change your perspective and how you look at HR, at employees and at work !! Be a kid !! You are one anyway !!