Is Your HR Like Gas Prices ??

One of the most visceral emotions people experience everyday is during their commute to and from work.  It may be the pace of traffic, the volume of traffic or the urgency to get to your destination.  Driving is never without emotion !!  One item that never misses is when you drive past gas stations.  The board listing the prices of the moment glares at you every time you pass it.

High Gas PricesIf the prices are lower, you’re ecstatic – even it’s a few cents.  If they are higher in the least, you say something under your breath, or you curse the sign and the unexplained variability from the morning drive to the commute home.  It feels like you’re being held hostage.  You know you need to drive to get anywhere (at least in the States), and it never makes any sense when you see the price variation.  You can’t go to anyone to get an answer for the change.  It just happens and you’re left to “deal with it.”

Sound like HR ??

Too often we sit at our desks writing policies and procedures that address the fringes of our employees and then enact them with little rhyme or reason.  We do our best to hold people “accountable” through enforcement and inconsistency.  How’s that working for you?  Frustrated?  Emotional?

In order for HR to bring stability through the workplace and a company’s culture, we must have consistency.  That doesn’t mean being fair.  It means being consistent.  We strive to make EVERYONE fit all that we do when that just isn’t possible.

This week try something new that will really work.  Look for the inconsistencies in how HR occurs at your company.  That could be within the HR department or how things are carried out in action in the field.  Take one area and get it to have less variation.  Keep it in check and then find the next area.  Over time the lack of variation will bring a flow to what you’re doing vs. having to feel that you must react !!  Knee jerking only gives you black eyes.

I was listening to The Police this week and heard a real gem from them called Walking in Your Footsteps.It talks about the dinosaurs and how they once ruled the earth, but you can only see them in museums today.  If HR doesn’t change its ways to move from compliance to integrating itself into the flow of work, we will become extinct as well.

Try something new this week !!  Start removing the variation and you’ll see others outside of HR treating you differently.  You won’t be like the ever-changing gas prices.  You’ll be the fuel necessary to help them run better !!

Enough or Not Enough ??

When you get to work on Monday, what’s the first thing that goes through your mind?  You’re in HR and you get the opportunity to do something great yourself and through the people that work with you and around you.  But, is that how you view things?

This isn’t just the “half full / half empty” question.  It’s much bigger than that !!  I was reminded of this just last week when my good friend, Brad Galin, crossed State lines from INSHRM to speak to the State Council at OHSHRM. He spoke on moving from Scarcity to Abundance.  The title may seem a bit heady, but it is a reality we all face when we hit the door this week.

People are difficult.  The odd thing that we forget in HR is that WE’RE people !!  So, if we’re difficult too, then how can others see HR differently?  In moving from scarcity to abundance, you change your viewpoint, your approach and your behavior.  It’s not enough to much wish that you’ll do better.  You need to move !!

Why is that important you may ask?  Isn’t in “enough” that we get our work done?  Aren’t we measured (and measure others) on productivity?  People aren’t processes or things.  We keep losing sight of that, and, in turn, HR suffers.

Negative to PositiveThinking, and acting, abundantly isn’t some wealth strategy where you’re promised some mythical get rich quick solution.  Being abundant means that your view starts positively and then moves forward from there.  It stays positive too.

Brad shared a great example from his work with Stone Belt, a non-profit group who works with adults with disabilities. He stated that the adults who are his clients are thankful for everything !!  If you stubbed your toe, they’d say, “That was awesome !!  Way to go !!  You did that great !!”  The room laughed, but it was refreshing to hear as well.

So, do you have enough or not?  Can you be a great HR person where you are, with what you have and who you work with?  Are you even asking these types of questions, or are you putting your head down and grinding through?

There’s too much of life around you to keep your head down !!  Remember that you’re difficult . . . just like everyone around you.  Isn’t that freeing ??  Now, jump into this jumbled mix of humanity and live it up !!  The folks around you have been waiting for you to join in !!

Let’s Build a Barn !!

You may or may not know this, but I grew up on a farm.  My grandparents raised my brother and I in beautiful Luckey, Ohio (population now of 1,019 !!).  It was about half that when I was growing up.  My mom worked full time after the passing of my father.  We didn’t think anything was “different” with this situation.  We LOVED the farm !!

I still love visiting the farms of my relatives.  The smells, sounds and general feel of rural life still has a strong allure !!  One of my favorite places on a farm is the barn.  Barns are incredible places with their nooks, hidden passages, farm equipment, animals, and the obligatory farm cats that just “appear” out of nowhere it seems.

Barns are treasured by farmers.  They are incredible structures that seem to weather the test of time.  It takes an amazing amount of effort and time to keep a barn in working condition though.  They are usually massive buildings, and just to keep them painted is a monumental effort of time and money.

Collapsing BarnBecause of that, barns too often fall into disrepair as the farm (and farmer) age.  You’ve seen the barns that make up the landscape as you drive through the country.  It’s sad to see this because, at one time, something amazing happened in this essential component of the farm’s daily activities !!

When I see these falling architectural giants, I think of the things that once had meaning and value at work, especially in HR !!  You can think of those systems, approaches, policies and procedures that you never change.  Chances are they make up the vast majority of your handbooks !!  Our company’s landscape is littered with collapsing barns and we just won’t let them go.  We think that if we still hold onto them, the glorious past of what once was will magically resurrect itself.

We need to change our approach.  Time to build new barns.  Not ones that will last forever, but ones that will move our profession and our companies forward.  The great thing about barn building on a farm is that it brings everyone together as well !!  Make sure you see that the community you serve is involved.  Let them bring their own building materials so that this new structure serves everyone !!

So, this week, pull out that handbook and review the collapsing barn you have.  See what hasn’t been used, or is even relevant anymore.  Tear it down.  People will appreciate it.  In its place build something new, exciting and effective !!  You will be better for it !!

When Kids Grow Up . . .

What happens when kids grow up?  They become our employees !!

I find it fascinating in the workplace today that HR practitioners have lost sight of this reality.  How much time of your day is spent on behaviors that seem childish?  When you look at the policies and procedures you write, are you doing it for a better workplace, or trying to address those who won’t behave ??

This list of “what if’s” can string on and on.  And, often in our workplace it does !!  When you ask people what they think about employees, it isn’t positive.  That is really a shame.  It’s a shame because we’ve allowed the workplace, and HR, to be driven from a negative filter.  It’s the “let’s see what’s wrong and address it” model.

This past week I had a great opportunity to speak at the INSHRM Leadership Day for their volunteer leaders.  We laughed, howled and learned together.  I showed them my newest HR “tool” that has proven to be very effective.  I doubt you’ll see it in many of the blogs, publications and theoretical models that keep churning out in our field.  Take a look . . .

It’s a Kaleidoscope !!  A toy.

You see, I’ve been giving them out to the managers of our stores because I want to have them “look at things differently.”  When I handed out the first batch of them, I did the HR thing and started jumping to the next point in my presentation.  I had to stop because I turned around and each person had their kaleidoscope pointed up toward a light, and they were twisting it to see what new shape would appear next.  There were a lot of “oohs” and “aahs” coming from this great group of Team Members.

Then it hit me again . . . what happens to kids when they grow up ??

A better answer is that they still love to play !!  They love to laugh and have fun !!  They want to enjoy what they do and it’s fairly obvious that most workplaces have taken this inate element of who we are as people and controlled it.

Our WORK is more important than bringing ourselves to work.  We’re so used to creating and designing new systems that we have lost sight of the simple fact that kids like to play.

So, this week go out of your way to laugh !!  I mean it.  Instead of looking for the next great team building exercise, have fun yourself !!  If employees see you having fun, they’ll be curious and wonder what’s happening.

Trust me.  If you do this, it will change your perspective and how you look at HR, at employees and at work !!  Be a kid !! You are one anyway !!

Opportunity or Task ??

“People.  They’re all around us every day.  It’s as if we HAVE to deal with them !!!”

Sound familiar?  Sound like you?  Sound like most people in the workplace . . . and HR?  It’s not surprising.  The workplace is filled with people.  It’s an amazing fact.  They desperately want to interact, communicate, perform and excel.  But, most of our efforts each day are to limit, thwart, conceal and conform.  Why is that?

Do you know that the 1st thing the vast majority of people do when they take that first step out of the car to enter the office is to heave a massive sigh and drop their shoulders resigned that they are off to WORK once again.  We do all in our power to make sure that people are in line, on task and diligent.  We overlook the chance that they are creative, intuitive and willing.

I think it’s because we treat the interaction between people as a task and not an opportunity.  We dread the possibility that someone will want us to stop, spend time with them and listen !!  Our e-mail, twitter account and texts are vastly more important than the conversation we are “stuck in” right now.  We are so horribly distracted and long for impersonal means of communication, that we will do almost anything to make sure we keep things short and sweet in person.  Ironically, we wonder why people never change the behavior we see in them that we wish would improve !!

The fact that this must change in the workplace is a gross oversight in HR !!  In our quest for “engagement,” we refuse to genuinely interact.  By making things a program, we miss the opportunity to take things in, relish and reflect on what is said and then act in tandem with others.

We tend to say, “Well, if Steve would just change, then I could make things work between us.”  (or something similar)  The fact is that we need to take the initiative and first step to look at others (even the really difficult ones) as an opportunity each and every time we interact.  People deserve this to be honest.

So, this week, drop your task list even though it will make most of you twitch a bit.  Look around you.  Find the sea of people that are a vital component of you are and what you do and dive in !!  It will get messy, challenging and even overwhelming.  But, the outcome is worth it !!


Hot Chocolate Made With Milk !!

A few weekends ago an amazing person passed away !!  She influenced more people than she ever knew and she never would have taken credit for any of it.  Did you see her passing in the press/social media?  No, I’m sure you didn’t.

You see, it was my Aunt Elaine.

After 81 phenomenal years, Aunt Elaine moved onto the next stage of life where I’m sure she was welcomed with open arms !!  I was at the SHRM Leadership Conference when her funeral services were held and I was disappointed to not be there for my extended family and the myriad of people who came to show their respects and shine as an example of who she touched.

You see, my brother and I were incredibly blessed when we were very young.  Our Dad, a Vietnam Vet, passed away in 1968 after losing a battle with Hodgkin’s Disease cancer.  We were 4 and 2 at the time.  Living in the mighty metropolis of Luckey, Ohio (yes, it is a town) would have been difficult for my Mom to raise two young boys except for our incredibly tight knit family.  Most days we were with my Grandma and Grandpa as Mom went to work.  However, we were often at Aunt Elaine’s , a mere mile and a half away as well.

I fondly remember spending the night and waking up before dawn with my cousins to go out and work in the barn doing chores to care for the farm animals.  It was hard work for a young boy, but every aspect of it was spectacular !!  The warmth, the smell, the sounds – all of it permeated every inch of you and made you feel connected to the life of being a farmer.

After chores, we would all bounce back into my Aunt and Uncle’s simple farm home to a table overflowing with food !!  Farm fresh eggs which we had just gathered, bacon from the farm, toast from homemade bread and of course – hot chocolate made with milk !!  The chance to have breakfast, or any meal, at my Aunt’s house was an incredible treat.  We thought this was “normal” for when we were at the farm and revelled in it !!

Why does this all matter ??

You see, we all leave a legacy in our lives whether we choose to or not.  My Aunt Elaine touched countless numbers of people with her laughter, her charity, her positive glow and outlook on life and her love for family.

In HR we work around people every day and we have the chance to be a positive imprint on their lives.  We often think that by focusing on the “business” of what we do is more important than caring for others as people.  Just remember – that leaves an imprint as well !!

So, this week, what can you do to be that simple mug of hot chocolate?  Be intentional and value all of those whose lives you touch !!  It will matter eternally !!

All you need is . . .

This past weekend, some friends of mine and I went to a local pub.  Our intention was just to catch up and share a few adult beverages.  When I got there, my friends were all excited because the pub was doing a music trivia contest.  A DJ played a snippet of a song and your team had to guess the song and the artist.

Now, for those of you who don’t know me very well, I’m sort of a music freak !!  I have music playing constantly.  In the house, in the car, while I’m doing yardwork and ESPECIALLY in my office. (We’ll get to this in a bit . . .)

My friends knew that I was really into music, so we jumped in eventhough we missed the first round.  By the end of the contest we moved from missing the first round to placing 5th out of 20 teams.  To say I was geeked was an understatement !!

The true highlight of the night though came during The Beatles “speed round.”  Ten songs with just a small bit played and you had to guess.  During this round, more than the others, the patrons of the bar sang every song out loud.  It didn’t matter that we were competing against one another.  The music brought everyone together.

What does this have to do with HR ??  EVERYTHING !!

To often in the workplace, we focus on what pulls us apart.  In fact, some people in organizations count on this fact because if they can try to get people to see what bothers them, then you won’t even attempt to look at what draws you together.

To be honest, this is draining and defeating.  To constantly be at odds with others within your organization, and possibly in your own department, is detrimental and leads to discord and other nasty things.

What things do you have around you that bring folks together?  Is it music?  It is another cultural tie that people rally around?

Remember, there will always be folks who won’t join in to the ties that bind others together.  The trick is to move toward the ties and let them be.  In time, they will either not like the positive direction you’re going, or you can sit with them and say, “We’d love to have you be a part of this.” And show them what they’re missing.

I don’t apologize for the music that emenates from my office.  In fact, I keep it going even if I’m not in there to enjoy it.  HR has the responsibility to set the constructive culture of a company and show how people can bring their indiviudal nuances and strength to make the “song” even better !!

The Beatles kept it simple in their classic, “All You Need Is Love.”  The question you have to ask yourself this week is . . . What do we need ???

Image courtesy of Society 6

Encourage and Lift Up !!

You may, or may not, know this but I am EXTREMELY passionate about most areas of my life !!  I was reminded of this recently when I read a blog post from a friend who asked people to truly be who they are – both in person and on-line.  I didn’t see that as being critical, but as being encouraging.

In HR I get the opportunity to be around a myriad of people who are going through a myriad of things all the time !!  Too often, when I encounter them, it starts our negatively.  I don’t mean that they are negative people.  Just the contrary, but we live in a world where “negative” is our 1st line filter.

I love it when people cloud this fact and say, “I’m just being realistic !!”  No, you’re being negative and justifying your realism.  There are difficult things all around us.  We tend to have the mindset that NO ONE can be going through the challenges that we are facing.

This isn’t a post about “downer truth or dare” because that gets ugly quick !!  There are so many people in HR and in the workplace who need to be encouraged.  I’m not talking about recognition (although that is usually encouraging).  I’m talking about noticing the little things around you in the lives of others and lifting them up – on purpose !!

Most people are hesitant to encourage others.  There’s the fear of a “hidden agenda,” or that people just are nice to get something from you.  (Remember, people start from a negative filter . . .)

Also, people want others to make the first move.  We are much more likely to reciprocate encouragement if it’s genuinely given first.  Well, I’d like to “encourage” you to be that first person who steps out on a regular basis to lift others up wherever you are.

I’m not talking about a formal program with a goal of so many positive comments a day.  I’m talking about turning off your negative tendencies and replacing them with positive ones.  It may seem tough at first, and people may even mock you for being different.  But, isn’t that cool?  Your efforts could be the one difference that someone needs just at the time you encourage them.

Don’t pass this up !!  It’s time for you to unleash your passion !!  HR has been lacking this and it can only improve when YOU join in !!

Let me start . . .

Thanks for being in HR !!  I know people are tough – but remember – you’re a person too !!  I’m glad that I get to know, learn and grow from people like you.  Continue to know that you’re making a difference !!  You truly are !!

It’s Just Dough !!

Have you ever made a comment thinking it was innocuous, but it really had damaging effects ??

Let me help you out with this.  Your comment usually starts with “It’s just . . .”  You don’t mean this to be harmful, but you don’t see how your position is calling the situation simple or “below you.”

I’ve heard people say, “What’s so hard about what you do?  I mean, it’s just HR !!”  Needless to say, I didn’t feel to good about how that person viewed me or the work that I did.  You see, this post isn’t an indictment of others, it’s a confession of my behavior.

At LaRosa’s, we have a bakery that makes our pizza dough.  The great Team Members that work there start as early as 3:00am and the 2nd shift wraps up around midnight.  They make thousands of pizza doughs a week.  One of the positions in the plant is along our two lines where the dough balls get flattened and then sent down a conveyor and people stretch and shape the doughs as they pass by.

Imagine if this was your job.  Now, imagine if you stretched dough for 40 hours a week for 20+ years !!

Could you do it?  I am at the Bakery often and there have been some Team Member issues, as there are in all locations.  People one day were having conflict over how one person on the line stretched dough vs. another person.  I said, “Seriously?  It’s just dough !!” The brilliant Admin. Asst. who works at the Bakery quickly corrected me.  “No, Steve, it’s their job and they want to make sure that it’s done right.  It matters to them.”  You could have seen my shoulders sink into the floor because I knew she was right.

This weekend I went to the retirement party of one of our doughline Team Members.  She has been stretching dough for over 20 years.  I came to realize that without her, and others who do great work, I wouldn’t even have a job.  If we don’t have dough, we don’t have pizza !!

Look around your organization.  Are there people or positions that you feel don’t contribute much?  How arrogant is that?  If you’re in HR, you should feel the weight I felt when I made this trite comment.

ALL people add value !!  ALL of them !!  It’s time we did our best to rid our companies and our profession of any more of the “It’s just” comments.

I felt very fortunate to be invited to Joyce’s retirement and loved seeing her pass to her next phase of life.  What she did was critical to the foundation of our company and our customers.  I will never belittle someone and what they bring to work again.  How about you?

Don’t You Forget About Me !!

Over the weekend, I saw the new movie Pitch Perfect.  Part of me wanted to see it because I love comedies, but the other part of me wanted to see it because I was in a Show Choir – the Varsity Singers – during high school.  It seemed like a great combination, and I was right !!  (Make sure you see this flick !!)

What made it EVEN better was the reference to an essential movie that I lived through – The Breakfast Club.  I was surrounded by all of those characters in the movie, and let’s just say I could “connect” with Anthony Michael Hall.

The key theme in this legendary movie, was that these people didn’t even know each other until they were forced into a situation during detention.  Even then, they had incredible filters and stereotypes of what each person was like, or so they thought.  The Pitch Perfect movie plays on this by pulling together another unlikely group of people together to make an amazing team !!

Too often, as HR professionals, we want to group people together in our organizations instead of celebrating their individuality.  We’re concerned that if people don’t “play by the rules” or “fit in,” then they’ll surely be trouble makers.  Also, in the classic closing song by Simple Minds, the lyrics remind us not to “forget” people.

Organizations tend to reward, promote and recognize those that are the most vocal and visible.  The people who may be the true talent who underpin those that are public are often relegated to anonymity.  Since they never speak up, we are okay with it.

This needs to change.  ALL employees have the opportunity to add value.  ALL employees !!  These great, unmined talents need someone to take note of who they are and not “forget” them.  This is squarely upon our shoulders as HR people.

I’m not talking about the exercise where everyone shares on every answer during a meeting or training session.  I’m talking about seeking these employees out intentionally and giving them our attention to let them know that they matter !!

So, this week, be like the end of The Breakfast Club !!  Break down the filters, seek out the greatness that works all around you and lift them up !!  They’re waiting for you !!