You may, or may not know, that I am an incredible music freak !! I can’t get enough of it and this Thanksgiving weekend a true classic popped into my head – Count on Me by Jefferson Starship.
When my extended family gathers for either Thanksgiving or Christmas, we call it BIG Thanksgiving or BIG Christmas because there are so many family members that attend. Before we eat and open with a prayer, we count off – literally. We have had a few family members pass away over the years, but we never stray from this tradition.
So, it begins 1 . . . 2 . . . 3 . . . 4 . . . etc. until we get around the oval. (It’s never a circle because there are too many folks.) This year we had 35 and it’s been as high as 60. Included are aunts, uncles, cousins, their kids, and starting this year the newest generation has it’s first engaged couple.
I know that you need to be careful about what you do/don’t share on-line, but I’m 47 years old and completely cool with that. If you met me you’d say I’m at least 28, so age is not the focus here. My family has been getting together intentionally between 50 to 60 years because I have aunts, uncles and cousins older than I am.
Think about that. Being together, intentionally, for 5 to 6 decades and NEVER missing a holiday. We’re not unique in this and I’m sure there are families who have met for centuries, but the point of the gathering is this . . . we COUNT on each other to be there all the time.
It’s a great example for you personally as well as an HR professional. You NEED to be counted on, and others NEED to count on you !! Too many employees are out on their own within a company and they need someone they can rely on. Remember, you aren’t their for Management, nor are you there for employees. You’re there for EVERYONE !!
Is that how you approach HR? Have you even stepped back to look lately? Just think how HR would be viewed in organizations if people knew they could be counted on !!
This week, start something new and reach out to someone in our profession and get connected. Be someone that others can count on !!