To say I’m geeked to host this edition of the Carnival of HR would be an understatement !! I asked great HR folks to send posts this time that were positive. Therefore, the “What’s Good About” theme.

Too often we get caught up in what’s not working in HR. I wanted this edition to take a break and reflect on the amazing things that happen in our field and with our people.
For those reading this . . . I’d like you to take a new approach as well !! I look at the Carnival as a great resource connecting me with folks that can help me do HR even better in my little corner of the HR universe. I make sure to read these folks work all the time and have their subscriptions in my Google Reader.
I have some new voices that I’ve added because of hosting the Carnival. Any time I can get more input, I’m good. So, sit back, read the teaser below of each entry and then go out, get to read their good work and make sure to connect with the authors through Twitter, Linked In, etc. !!
There are a ton of submissions below, and I encourage you to take in each and every one because they ROCK !!
Peace to one and all – Steve (It’s ALL good !!)
Starting things off is Naomi Bloom (@InFullBloomUS) with Reflections on a Long Career – Part IV – great list of “to-do’s” to keep you viable and active !!
Ian Welsh (@ianclive) adds a strong post with Passion for Human Resources and our Voyages of Discovery! – any time someone combines “passion” with “HR” you get my attention !!
This post from Daniel Crosby (@incblot) shows you how he always makes the mix of Organizational Psych and HR so cool ! – Career and Happiness: How They Relate.
I can’t wait to meet the next contributor, Doug Shaw (@dougshaw1) in real life this Fall at Ohio SHRM !! Until then, I can enjoy his post – Olympian – great take on teamwork !!
The rally cry from Cathy Missildine-Martin (@cathymissildine) gets you pumped up in HR Has Its Game Face On!
The folks at i4cp chime in with a solid post about Stragegy in Action. Make sure you follow this intriguing group on Twitter @i4cp.
Fellow #HR rock music freak, Paul Smith (@Pasmuz) brings our profession to life with It’s What You Know In HR.
I love the perspective from Mike Haberman (@MikeHaberman) because I am a storyteller myself !! Check out – A revisit to Storytelling: A Key HR Competency?
A new voice to me, but one I now subscribe to is Sandrine Bardot who’s blog Compensation Insider hails from Abu Dhabi !! How cool is that for global HR ?? Great read from her with her summary from the Middle East Human Asset Summit.
This post from Matthew Stollak (@akaBruno) brought back great memories about “Must See TV” when NBC ruled the television world – One True Passion.
Nancy Saperstone, another submission from the UK (awesome !!) – gets right to the theme with Happy in HR.
The prolific author Paul Hebert (@IncentIntel) entered a great post that was featured on another great resource – Fistful of Talent – HR Should Run Volunteer Organizations.
The driving force behind the scenes of the Carnival of HR, Shauna Moerke (@HR_Minion) takes a fresh look at What’s Good About Job Hunting.
Jessica Miller-Merrell (@blogging4jobs) did the coolest thing by submitting a person who guest posted on her site, Lisa Bonner. Really cool perspective from her in How Do You Stay Sharp & Focused?
The title of this post, Assume the Best, is a great reflection of its author Ben Eubanks !! Make sure you connect with him on Twitter at @beneubanks.
Another post about passion with an “ad lib” twist from Chris Ponder (@Chris Ponder) is really a cool approach. Could you do it ?? Can You Speak About Your Passion Ad Lib?
Michael Carty (@MJCarty) popped in from his holiday (vacation to us) to share his Best of the HR Blogs from May – all great reads !!
Stephanie Thomas (@proactivemployr) makes the EEOC cool and fun !! Check out her conversation with the EEOC Commissioner !!
A true genuine heart, Brad Galin (@bradgalin), gives a great post in Good Will in Bad Times.
Always showing how leadership and HR are intertwined, Jay Kuhns (@jrkuhns) adds his submission of You Have the Power.
Mervyn Dinnen (@mervyndinnen) nails the theme with this gem – reasons to be cHeeRful – Love it !! Very creative !!
Cool archive post from Buzz Rooney (@TheBuzzonHR) that I just had to stick in – The Founding Fathers Would Have Loved HR
I love when Tim Gardner (@TimJGardner) shares about his family. I love doing this too and it always shows me what’s good !! – Heritage
Dwane Lay (@DwaneLay) offers compelling and down-to-earth advice with this great post – What’s Good About a Bad Boss
A great post that pulls us all together from Susan Avello (@susanavello) – What’s Good About Community
Closing out this phenomenal compilation of HR voices, is Chris Fields (@new_resource) with the appropriately titled – Let me tell you what’s good about HR