” . . . are worth melting for.” – Olaf
My wife and I went to see Disney’s Frozen this weekend. It is magnificent !! If you take nothing else away from reading this post – go see this movie !! One of the best characters, and a real show stealer, is Olaf the snowman. He is hilarious and beautifully naive and caring.
During a key scene, he does his best to keep Anna warm in front of a fire even though he begins to melt. She is worried that he will be harmed when he breaks out the line that “some people are worth melting for.” Yes, I was crying and I’m good with that !!
It made me think of those around me in my life that are in this category. I’m very fortunate to say that there are several. I’m very thankful that I’m surrounded with people who I value and would do almost anything for. I hope that you have people in your life that you would “melt for” too.
In HR, I think we lose sight of this because our focus is often on those that may be challenging or frustrating. We tend to slink back behind procedures, policies and processes because those things aren’t emotional, unpredictable and ever-changing.
If you don’t look at others as someone you would “melt for,” you may want to evaluate why you’re in HR. That may seem harsh or extreme, but I don’t think so. Olaf doesn’t see what he’s doing as a sacrifice, or something out of the ordinary. In fact, it’s natural because he cares for Anna – which should be our focus on everyone we come into contact with.
This is also tough in today’s social environment because the majority of what is being written, retweeted, and shared is self-focused. People beg and seek to see their name and their work publicized. I struggle with this to be honest. I love seeing the work of others !! I learn from others and, in many cases, I’ve reached out to get to know the authors personally and not just treat them as some avatar that is unapproachable.
I’d really love to see this change on the social forums and in the workplace. I think that if we had the approach that we would be willing to deeply connect with others, naturally, we’d find that the “community” everyone writes about would exist as a tangible, viable force. This group would innately move companies, professions, associations and lives forward.
So, can you do this? Will you join me? Is this feasible, or utopian? In the end, I choose to be like Olaf and put myself out there for others because there are some people truly worth melting for !!
Image courtesy of Walt Disney World for Grown Ups